ORCA Database

Developing Tribal-EPA ETEPs for Environmental Protection
Lisa Berrios, USEPA, OITA American Indian Environmental Office; Felicia Wright, USEPA, OITA American Indian Environmental Office
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The purpose of this hands-on workshop is to assist tribes in developing joint EPA-Tribal Environmental Plans (ETEPs) to protect people, land and water in Indian country. ETEPs outline how individual tribes work to support tribal goals in the context of EPA programs, and can be used for future program planning and decision-making. In this 4-hour workshop, EPA and tribal co-presenters will provide an overview of ETEPs, discuss ETEPs as a strategic planning tool, and provide perspec-tives on successful ETEPs. The workshop will include small group settings where participants will complete ETEP-related exercises, share best practices and lessons learned, and receive assistance with individual ETEPs. Participants are encouraged to bring their completed or draft ETEPs to the workshop. Lisa Berrios, USEPA, OITA American Indian Environmental Office; Felicia Wright, USEPA, OITA American Indian Environmental Office during the TLEF 2019
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