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Reuse Explorations Guide Innovative Programs and Strategies
Athena Lee Bradley and Mary Ann Remolador, Northeast Recycling Council, Inc.
Date Published:
The Reuse Explorations Guide is intended to benefit a wide range of people—state, tribal, municipal, and community leaders; materials managers; economic development specialists; citizen activists; reuse businesses; charity/nonprofit representatives; and others who desire to expand reuse in their communities. The document offers particular insights for small and tribal communities; however, it is designed to assist communities of all sizes and demographics. The Guide is designed for electronic viewing. It contains both a “Table of Contents” with links to all document sections, along with hyperlinks throughout the document to additional resources and program examples. Document sections explore the various types of reuse; each section contains specific “how to” guidance and program examples. “Take Away” and “Tips” provide insights into implementation strategies. Appendices offer more detailed information, such as case studies, additional “how to” material, a resource list, and promotional examples. Some reuse strategies, including food recovery, textiles, and reuse events, are explored more thoroughly. Both food recovery and textile diversion are growing in popularity, as food scraps and textiles still comprise significant percentages of the waste stream. Reuse events deserve more consideration as they offer communities a relatively low cost way to explore and introduce reuse and its many benefits to mainstream audiences.
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