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Hopi Culture - Corn, Unit Introduction
Unit Title:
Hopi Culture - Corn
Corn & Hopi Culture
Lang. Arts, Math, Science, Soc. Studies
Hopi Corn
E: 4 - 6
Lesson Description:
HOPI CULTURE - CORN A Five-Lesson Thematic Unit On The Topic Of Corn Within The Hopi Culture.
Each lesson is also listed separately in the database by their titles below.
By Fern Pooyouma
Lesson 1: The Emergence Story Lesson 2: Parts of the Corn Lesson 3: Directions and Colors of Corn Lesson 4: Usage of Corn Lesson 5: Planting Corn
INTRODUCTION This thematic lesson unit is
an introduction to the significance of corn to the Hopi people. Each lesson will discuss how corn is utilized within the Hopi culture. Corn is an important symbol to the Hopis and has significant importance to
the Hopi way of life. The Hopi language is a rich and complex language and can only be translated orally to get the true meaning of each concept. When translated in English it often doesn't have the same exact
meaning and emotional ties. Since the Hopi Language is not a formally written language, single words in Hopi are used during these lessons and can only be taught by a fluent Hopi speaker who has knowledge of the
Hopi culture.