Enrollment Data>>Student Participation Activity Report

This report shows duplicated student counts for each fall and spring semester, Fall 2003 and later. It does NOT equate to 21-day official census data because students are counted multiple times to show activity in all programs.

Enrolled counts reflect all plans declared by students included in the 21-day census, as of the 21-day census. Primary plans (one per student) are counted as Enrolled in Census Primary Plan. All additional (i.e., “second”) majors, minors, and certificates are counted as Enrolled in Census Not Primary Plan. Students who were eligible to enroll for the semester but were not enrolled as of the 21-day census are counted as Eligible to Enroll. Eligible to Enroll counts are provided as an acknowledgement that departments often provide service to students who either enroll after the 21-day of the term, or do not enroll at all. The university, however, cannot officially count or receive funding for these students because of their lack of actual census-day enrollment.

Example: Student A is enrolled on census day with a Studio Art major (Primary Plan), Photography minor (Not Primary Plan), and Accounting certificate (Not Primary Plan). This student is counted 3 times and is reflected accordingly in totals.

For the purpose of Academic Program Reviews, sum the counts in the columns labeled Enrolled in Census Primary Plan and Enrolled in Census Not Primary Plan to obtain complete enrollment counts for your program.

Note: You must select a term and college. To view all plans within a college, leave the department setting as “Department.”