ORCA Database

Clearwater River Subbasin Climate Change Adaptation Plan (Nez Perce Tribe)
Clark, K., Harris, J., and Nez Perce Tribe Water Resources
Date Published:
In 2011, the Nez Perce Tribe's Water Resources Division received a one year educational scholarship grant to participate in Climate Solutions University's Model Forest Policy Program (MFPP). The MFPP held monthly webinars that addressed the different elements of writing a climate change adaptation plan, based on case studies from communities around the country. Over the course of a year, the Nez Perce Tribe developed a climate change adaptation plan for the Clearwater River Subbasin that focuses on forest and water resources, as well as the potential economic impacts of climate change on those resources. The goal of the adaptation plan is to act as a catalyst for the regional community to begin developing and implementing detailed adaptation strategies in order to better withstand the impacts of a changing climate upon the natural resources, economy and social structure of the Clearwater River Subbasin in the decades to come.
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