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Indigenous Community Health Indicators Project: Evaluating Tribal Community Social, Cultural, and Spiritual Health and WellBeing
Larry Campbell and Jamie Donatuto
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Through the Indigenous Community Health Indicators Project a multi-dimensional and culturally meaningful definition of health is described. Those involved consider how the social, environmental and cultural aspects of life influence the overall well being of individuals and the community. Examples of concerns that are left out of health assessments include the ability to educate youth about harvest practices, the ability to "feed the spirit" when traditional foods are polluted and the ability to stay connected to important locations outside. How these Indigenous health indicators are ranked and weighted may change dependent on context. Indigenous Community Health Indicators Project: Evaluating Tribal Community Social, Cultural, and Spiritual Health and WellBeing, originally available at http://www.theleadershipseries.info/2014_documents_images/Daytwo_PPTS_Summit_2014/8_Indigenous_Community_Health_Indicators_Project_Larry_Campbell_Jamie_Donatuto.pdf
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