ORCA Database

Suggested Practices to Reduce Zinc Concentrations in Industrial Stormwater Discharges
Steven Golding
Date Published:
Many facilities under the Industrial Stormwater General Permit (ISWGP) have found high levels of zinc in their stormwater discharges. Zinc from stormwater harms fish and other aquatic life. Zinc can bind to fish gills and cause suffocation. You can take steps to comply with the zinc levels specified in your permit, and at the same time protect Washington’s waters. Ecology prepared this document to help you reduce zinc in your stormwater discharge. The idea is to use source control measures. Source control is removing or covering sources of zinc before they become part of stormwater runoff. This is often more effective than trying to remove zinc once it is in the stormwater. Methods for treating stormwater may be found elsewhere. An earlier Ecology Publication, A Survey of Zinc Concentrations in Industrial Stormwater Runoff shows the results of testing zinc in runoff as well as inventories of zinc sources at 28 industrial facilities (http://www.ecy.wa.gov/biblio/0603009.html). This guide identifies the major sources of zinc and tells you how to remove or reduce them. Two ways in particular work well together. They are: 1. Sweeping grounds to remove dust and debris. 2. Painting galvanized surfaces to keep zinc out of runoff.
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