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Road Map to Understanding Options for Site Investigation and Cleanup 6th Edition
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The Brownfields Road Map to Understanding Options for Site Investigation and Cleanup, Sixth Edition, provides a general outline of the steps in the investigation and cleanup of Brownfields sites and introduces Brownfields stakeholders to the range of technologies and resources available to them. The Road Map provides valuable information for stakeholders typically involved in or affected by redevelopment of Brownfields sites, whether through public projects, private development or public-private partnerships. The first edition of the Road Map, published in 1997, provided a broad overview of the EPA Brownfields Program and an outline of the steps involved in the cleanup of a Brownfields site. Designed primarily for stakeholders who were unfamiliar with the elements of cleaning up a Brownfields site, the Road Map built awareness of the advantages offered by innovative technologies. As the EPA Brownfields Program matured, the second (1999), third (2001), and fourth (2005) editions were published to update information and resources associated with the program, innovative technologies, and emerging best practices. The fifth edition, published in 2012, streamlined the publication to make it more accessible to users, providing additional resources covering new technology applications and methods. This edition builds off the streamlined approach of the fifth edition, providing updated content and guidance on the Brownfields remediation process. New features include an updated list of “Spotlights,” highlighting and describing key issues. This edition provides updated information on Brownfields funding and best management practices (BMPs), with guidance on how to incorporate greener cleanups and new standards into the cleanup process.
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