Farm to School


Links to Farm to School Resources:

Farm to Cafeteria Initiatives: Connections with the Tribal Food Sovereignty Movement

A report written by Emily Dwyer with support from Winona LaDuke and Kyra Busch and the National Farm to School Network.

National Farm to School Network
Urban & Environmental Policy Institute
Occidental College, Los Angeles, CA

Food Safety for School Garden to Cafeteria

USDA Farm to School Resources

Last Modified: 07/07/2014
The USDA Farm to School team has compiled resources from across the country to assist schools and school districts in implementing farm to school programs. Be sure to check back often as we frequently update the information we share here.

Farm to School Team
Vision, Goals, and Context
Local Foods Procurement
Menu Planning
Food Safety
Promotion and Outreach
School Gardens
Education/Curriculum Integration
Program Sustainability

Farm to School Team
Below is a list of resources for assembling and growing a farm to school team and leading farm to school planning meetings.

Vision, Goals, and Context
Below is a list of resources for establishing visions and goals for farm to school programs. Along with the “Farm to School Team” resources, these resources provide guidance for forming the foundation of a farm to school implementation plan.

Local Foods Procurement
Below is a list of resources for establishing a plan for procuring, or procuring more, local foods to serve to students through Federal Child Nutrition Programs.

Menu Planning
Below is a list of resources for developing menus that feature more locally produced foods.

Food Safety
Below is a list of resources that address food safety in the context of serving locally sourced products, whether directly from the farm, from a distributor, or even from the school garden.

Promotion and Outreach
Below is a list of farm to school promotional resources and examples for marketing farm to school programs.

Examples of Farm to School Promotional Materials and Websites

School Gardens
Below is a list of resources for planning and maintaining a school garden, as well as ways to incorporate school garden lessons into the classroom.

Education/Curriculum Integration
Below is a list of resources for developing farm to school educational efforts.

Below is a list of resources for developing farm to school evaluation efforts.

Program Sustainability
Below is a list of resources for sustaining your farm to school program.

To receive information and updates about USDA’s Farm to School Program, please sign up for our Farm to School E-letter.