National Tribal Water Council
PO Box 15004
Flagstaff, AZ 86011-5004
(480) 452-6774

Tribal PFAS Working Group

What is PFAS?
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of man-made chemicals that were developed in the 1940s. PFAS are found in many elements within our environment including food packaging, commercial household products, and firefighting foam, among others. PFAS are persistent chemicals and may accumulate in the human body for a long time. PFAS remain in the environment for a long period of time due to their strong chemical bonds. PFAS pose a risk to tribal lifeways, resources, and traditional foods.

The Tribal PFAS Working Group (TPWG) formed in April 2020 to help address and reduce PFAS in Indian Country. The working group is comprised of members of the National Tribal Water Council, Tribal Science Council, National Tribal Toxics Council, Tribal Waste and Response Steering Committee, and Tribal Pesticide Program Council.

The working group holds monthly meetings to discuss various activities that would help achieve its objectives and priorities, and at the same time learning and understanding the implications of PFAS in tribal communities. The working group created a brochure that provides an overview of its activities and is available by clicking HERE.

The Tribal PFAS Working Group in collaboration with the PFAS Project Lab developed a fact sheet titled "PFAS and Your Health: A Resource for Tribal Communities." The fact sheet provides information on the health concerns, exposure pathways, and ways to reduce exposure to PFAS. The Tribal PFAS Working Group would like to thank Kira Mok and the PFAS Project Lab for their assistance in developing the fact sheet. For more information on the PFAS Project Lab, please visit:

To access the fact sheet, click: HERE.

2024 Working Group Priorities
The Tribal PFAS Working Group members reviewed and updated their key priorities for 2024 to continue researching the impacts of PFAs on tribes. The working group identified six (6) key priorities, which include the following

A copy of the Tribal PFAS Working Group Priorities may be accessed by clicking HERE.

Contact Information:
For additional information about the Tribal PFAS Work Group, please contact Page Hingst ( or Dianne Barton ( For more information on PFAS, please visit: Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) | US EPA