About Us

Join Us

Are you interested in joining the TWAR SC family? Applications to join the Steering Committee open every March (with an application deadline in May). You can click here to see a sample application, which will explain in detail the requirements as well as let you know what we are looking for in potential members.

Serving on the TWAR SC brings a lot of benefits. You not only have the opportunity to make a real difference, but you also get to work with (and even learn from) some truly amazing people who also work to protect Native lands and communities. And you will have fun! For example, every month we hold a TeaWAR Time virtual social hour, where you can just unwind and chat with your fellow members about non-work related things.

Members also have a variety of responsibilities, not just to the committee but also to each other. Members need to commit to attending at least four virtual meetings a year, two in person meetings (one in Washington DC where they meet with US EPA colleagues and work on their Priority Document), and attending the Tribal Lands and Environment Forum (TLEF) in August. Members often help their Tribal colleagues by being mentors and listening to their concerns, and network with other Tribal Partnership Groups on issues of mutual concern. Committee members also assist ITEP staff in putting on the annual TLEF.

We are always looking for people who are willing to roll up their sleeves and help colleagues doing such vital work. If you work for a federally recognized Native Nation, an Alaskan Native Village, or an Alaskan Native organization, and you are interested in working with a dynamic, innovative, and highly dedicated group – then consider applying! Please keep in mind that the application process is competitive. A selection team carefully looks over every application. If you are not selected the first time don’t let that deter you from applying again!

On this site you will find information about the TWAR SC members and their work. We also have some testimonial videos from members who will tell you, in their own words, what it means to them to serve on the TWAR SC. Please have a look around and reach out to us with any questions you may have.

TWAR Steering Committee: Why I Serve

Rebecca Stevens, of the Coeur d'Alene Tribe, and Rob Roy, of the La Jolla Band of Luiseño Indians, discuss the Priority Document and what inspires them to work on the Tribal Waste and Response Steering Committee.