Climatic Limiters: The climate factors which limit the range of a species. This map show the important climatic limiters identified by our analysis for each species.
Endemic Species: A species which is found only within a specific area. The area can be broadly or narrowly defined. For instance a species can be endemic to the United States or to just a small area like a mountain range or watershed.
Maximum Temperatures: For this project we are using the maximum mean monthly temperature. This map shows how maximum mean monthly temperature contributes to limiting a species distribution.
Minimum Temperatures: For this project we are using the minimum mean monthly temperature.This map shows how minimum mean monthly temperature contributes to limiting a species distribution.
Occurance: This map shows the current distribution of each species. The current distribution records show as green dots. The background map is a elevation hillshade.
Precipitation: Rain and snowfall. This map shows how precipitation contributes to limiting the distribution of a species.
Suitable Climate: This map shows the modeled current suitable climate for each species. The mapped parameter is probability of occurance.