This website displays maps showing the potential present and future distributions for a number of dominant plant species from the southwestern United States under several climate scenarios (Garfin et al 2010).” When finsihed it will include 40 species. For each species we present 12 to 18 maps.
The figure below describes each map panel. Clicking on the label will give you a detailed description of the map in a new window. Some species pages do not include migration maps because migration ability is assumed to be infinite (e.g., grasses).
Plant Map Directory
Abies concolor - White Fir | Pinus flexilis - Limber Pine |
Abies lasiocarpa - Subalpine Fir | Pinus jeffreyi - Jeffrey Pine |
Abies lasiocarpa var. arizonica | Pinus monophylla - Single-leaf Pinyon |
Juniperus deppeana - Alligator Juniper | Pinus monophylla var. fallax |
Juniperus monosperma - One-seed Juniper | Pinus ponderosa - Ponderosa Pine |
Juniperus osteosperma - Utah Juniper | Pinus ponderosa var. scopulorum- Ponderosa Pine |
Juniperus scopulorum - Rocky Mountain Juniper | Pinus strobiformis - Southwest White Pine |
Picea engelmannii - Engelmann Spruce | Populus tremuloides - Quaking Aspen |
Picea pungens - Blue Spruce | Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca - Douglas Fir |
Pinus aristata - Rocky Mountain Bristlecone Pine | Quercus gambelii - Gambel Oak |
Pinus edulis - Pinyon Pine |
Acacia greggii - Catclaw Acacia | Encelia farinosa - Brittlebrush |
Artemesia tridentata - Big, Blue or Basin Sagebrush | Janusia gracilis - Slender Janusia |
Carnegiea gigantea - Saguaro Cactus | Prosopis glandulosa - Honey Mesquite |
Coleogyne ramosissima - Blackbrush | Tetradymia canescens - Spineless Horsebrush |
Centaurea diffusa - Diffuse Knapweed | Salsola tragus - Russian Thistle |
Gutierrezia sarothrae - Broom Snakeweed | |