About Us

National Tribal Water Council
PO Box 15004
Flagstaff, AZ 86011-5004
(480) 452-6774

Kayla Vondracek

Ponca Tribe of Nebraska – Region 7

Hello! My name is Kayla Vondracek, and I currently work as the Water Quality Coordinator for the Ponca Tribe of Nebraska. In this role, I manage the Tribe’s Water Quality Program, focusing on assessing the quality and sustainability of critical water resources for the Tribe’s buffalo herd and tribal members. My work extends to projects aimed at protecting, preserving, and ensuring the sustainable use of other natural resources, including soil, culturally and ecologically significant plants, and wildlife on Ponca tribal lands.

I am a first-generation college graduate and hold a Bachelors Degree in Environmental Studies from the University of Nebraska—Lincoln. I am fortunate to have a diverse work background which has shaped the natural resources professional I am today, with experience in environmental consulting, hazard mitigation planning, conservation forestry, and the management of surface and groundwater quality and quantity.

I am honored to serve as the Region 7 representative and look forward to contributing to our shared goals!

Kayla can be reached by e-mail at kvondracek@poncatribe-ne.gov.

About Us > Meet the Council > Kayla Vondracek