About Us

National Tribal Water Council
PO Box 15004
Flagstaff, AZ 86011-5004
(480) 452-6774

Mary Verner

Snoqualmie Indian Tribe

Mary Verner serves as Director of Ecology for the Snoqualmie Indian Tribe whose reservation and ancestral lands are considered to be within the state of Washington. Mary’s work includes policy level strategic planning to protect water supplies against the effects of climate change. Mary’s career has included serving as Natural Resources Director for the Spokane Tribe, where she was deeply involved in establishing and protecting tribal water quality standards and repatriating wetland and riparian habitats. She was a member of the team who secured US EPA Superfund designation to clean up uranium mine and mill sites on the reservation and conduct a natural resources damage assessment to determine the Tribe’s specific fish consumption rates and human health standards. Mary also served in Washington State government leading the Department of Ecology Water Resources Program, among other executive positions. She is excited to join the National Tribal Water Council as Region 10 representative and hopes to contribute to our shared work to protect the water.

Mary can be reached by e-mail at mary.verner@snoqualmietribe.us.

About Us > Meet the Council > Mary Verner