
Trainings & Events

2024 Webinars

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Renewable energies and electric vehicles are all the rage when it comes to shifting the energy economy to one based on clean renewable energy sources. While electrifying the energy and transportation sector are crucial for reducing the collective carbon footprint it does not come without consequences. The minerals and metals needed for electrification are often extracted from Indigenous and Tribal homelands, leaving communities and landscapes at risk of losing sacred lands, cultural practices and traditions and contaminating important natural resources. Join the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals for presentations followed by Q&A to explore the complexities of mining on Indigenous lands to advance the clean energy economy.

Webinar Video:

Leona Morgan, (Diné) Haul No
Denise Giago, (Oglala Lakota) Black Hills Clean Water Alliance

The Sixth National Climate Assessment is underway. In this webinar, hear from Indigenous scholars who have contributed to past assessments, learn more, and get your questions answered about the current public call for author nominations and feedback.

Webinar Recording:

Allyza Lustig, US Global Change Research Program
Dr. Kyle Whyte, University of Michigan
Melissa Watkinson-Schutten, Locus Innovations & Rising Voices
Nikki Cooley, Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals
Julie Maldonado, Livelihoods Knowledge Exchange Network

For more information please contact:
Nikki Cooley, Co-Director
Karen Cozzetto, Co-Manager