About DIREnet
National Science Foundation
---------- This website and all DIREnet activities are based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DEB-0443526 --------

*Note: If you have not yet filled out a Research Description, please contact Neil.Cobb@nau.edu to request and fill out a short survey. If you need to update any contact, affiliate or research information for the Public DIREnet Web, please email Myron.James@nau.edu to update.

Name / Website
Affiliation / Website
Allen, Craig USGS craig_allen@usgs.gov
Allen, Mike UC-Riverside mallen@ucrac1.ucr.edu
Anderson, Scott NAU scott.anderson@nau.edu
Anhold, John Forest Entomology (USFS) janhold@fs.fed.us
Bailey, John Oregon State University john.bailey@oregonstate.edu
Barret, Jay Montana State University jarrett@stat.duke.edu
Belnap, Jayne   USGS-SBSC jayne_belnap@usgs.gov
Betancourt, Julio USGS-Desert Laboratory jlbetanc@usgs.gov  
Breshears, Dave University of Arizona - Terrestrial Ecology Lab daveb@ag.arizona.edu 
Chew, Jim   USFS jchew@fs.fed.us
Clifford, Michael   NAU mjc235@nau.edu
Cobb, Neil NAU neil.cobb@nau.edu
Collins, Scott University of New Mexico scollins@sevilleta.unm.edu
Coops, Nicholas Universtiy of British Columbia Nicholas.Coops@ubc.ca
DeGomez, Tom NOAA/OAR/Climate Diagnostics degomez@ag.arizona.edu
Delph, Robert NAU robert.delph@nau.edu
Dettinger, Mike USGS mdettinger@ucsd.edu
Diaz, Henry NOAA - Climate Diagnostics Center henry.f.diaz@noaa.gov
Didan, Kamel TBRS kamel@ag.arizona.edu
Dobbertin, Matthias Swiss Federal Research Institute matthias.dobbertin@wsl.ch
Doerry, Eck NAU eck.doerry@nau.edu
Eisenhart, Karen Edinboro University of Pennsylvania keisenhart@edinboro.edu
Enquist, Carolyn The Nature Conservancy in New Mexico cenquist@tnc.org
Falk, Don Ecology (Tree-ring Lab) dafalk@u.arizona.edu
Floyd-Hanna, Lisa Prescott College lfloyd-hanna@prescott.edu
Ford, Paulette USFS plford@fs.fed.us
Garfin, Gregg CLIMAS gmgarfin@email.arizona.edu
Gehring, Catherine NAU catherine.gehring@nau.edu
Gray, Stephen USGS-Desert Laboratory stgray@usgs.gov
Gutschick, Vince New Mexico State University vince@nmsu.edu
Hart, Steve NAU steve.hart@nau.edu
Huete, Alfredo UofA/ TBRS ahuete@ag.arizona.edu
Hungate, Bruce NAU bruce.hungate@nau.edu
Ironside, Kirsten MPCER kirsten.ironside@nau.edu
Kirschbaum, Alan Oregon State University alan.kirschbaum@oregonstate.edu
Koch, George NAU george.koch@nau.edu
Kolb, Tom NAU tom.kolb@nau.edu
Lynch, Ann FS-Rocky Mtn. Research Station alynch@fs.fed.us
McDowell, Nate Los Alamos National Lab mcdowell@lanl.gov
McMillin, Joel USDA FHM, Coconino National Forest jmcmillin@fs.fed.us
Miller, Mark National Park Service mark_miller@nps.gov
Mitton, ,Jeff University of Colorado mitton@colorado.edu
Moore, Margaret NAU margaret.moore@nau.edu
Muldavin, Esteban University of New Mexico muldavin@sevilleta.unm.edu
Negron, Jose FS-RMRS, Asd-Research, Saveland, 4451-Alpine/Forest Ecosystems jnegron@fs.fed.us
Nonaka, Etsuko University of New Mexico enonaka@unm.edu
Ogle, Kiona Duke University ko5@acpub.duke.edu
Ortega, Catherine Fort Lewis College ortega_c@ fortlewis.edu
Pennington, Deana Sevilleta LTER dpennington@lternet.edu
Price, Kevin University Of Kansas Geography price@ku.edu
Rich, Paul Los Alamos National Lab pmr@lanl.gov
Rocca, Monique Colorado State University rocca@cnr.colostate.edu
Romme, Bill Colorado State University romme@cnr.colostate.edu
Ryan, Michael G USFS mgryan@fs.fed.us
Schupp, Gene Utah State University schupp@cc.usu.edu
Shaw, John USFS jdshaw@fs.fed.us
Sisk, Tom NAU t.sisk@uq.edu.au
Spence, John National Park Service John_Spence@nps.gov
Stetson, Denise Edinboro University of Pennsylvania d746013s@edinboro.edu
Swetnam, Tom University of Arizona tswetnam@ltrr.arizona.edu
Tausch, Robin FS-Rocky Mtn. Research Station rtausch@fs.fed.us
Theimer, Tad NAU tad.theimer@nau.edu
vanMantgem, Phillip USGS pvanmantgem@usgs.gov
Whitham, Thomas NAU thomas.whitham@nau.edu
White, Amanda Los Alamos National Laboratory abwhite@lanl.gov
Xu, Yaguang NAU yaguang.xu@nau.edu
Yepez-Gonzalez, Enrico
University of New Mexico yepezglz@unm.edu
© 2008 Merriam-Powell Center for Environmental Research