"The Tribal Air Monitoring Support (TAMS) Center strives to develop tribal capacity to assess, understand,
and prevent environmental impacts that adversely affect health, cultural, and natural resources."
In 1999, the Tribal Air Monitoring (TAMS) Center was created through a partnership between tribes, the Institute
for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). It
is the first technical training center designed specifically to meet the needs of tribes involved in air quality
management and offers an array of training and support services to Tribal air professionals.
The TAMS Center provides technical training of tribal environmental professionals and technical assistance in
obtaining and analyzing air quality data. Training sessions occur at scheduled 3-5 day workshops at the Virgil
Masayesva Environmental Learning Center and on an individual request basis. The TAMS Center also provides
gravimetric laboratory service for tribes conducting particulate sampling. Filters and the gravimetric analysis
are provided to the tribes by the TAMS Center.
For more information about TAMS Center, please contact:
TAMS Center