Fun Learning Sites:[top] Explorers' Club: This site is a great place to explore air issues, plants & animals, garbage
& recycling, water, and a fun clubhouse with an art room, games, a trophy case, and most importantly a science room.
Recycle City: Learn about how Dumptown turned into Recycle city by visiting different
sections of the city. Learn about reduce, reuse and recycling. This site has a fun Dumptown game where you are Dumptown's city manager and make
decisions about programs that transform the city.
Student Center: This site is a great place to explore various issues in air, water, waste,
and laws, including an introduction to environmental issues, scholarship, careers, and internship information.
For Ambitious Students:[top] U.S. EPA Green Vehicle Guide: EPA's Green Vehicle Guide gives information
about air pollution emissions and fuel economy. This site allows you to look up your vehicle and determine how your car tailpipe emissions rank
to other vehicles in its category and determines how environmentally friendly, also known as "green", your car is. (Note: before you look up your vehicle
look at "EPA's rating system" to learn how the scale works in pounds of smog-forming pollution Per 15,000 Miles and look at graphs).
U.S. EPA National Air Toxics Assessment Activities: You can view information
about the 1996 emissions of the 33 air toxics plus diesel particulate matter (diesel PM) used in the national-scale assessment either a map
format or in the more detailed data tables. More information on data sources for these emissions, as well as pie chart summaries of emissions information
(on both the 33 air toxics and also all 188 toxic air pollutants) is included under "Data Sources" and "Data Summaries."