Sand Dunes

Sand Dunes

EEOP Programs & Workshops
At EEOP, we offer a variety of educational programs related to climate change and natural resource conservation. Our programs include:

Climate change
Learn about impacts of global warming as well as mitigation, adaption and monitoring.

Water education
Learn about water quality assessments and water conservation.

Renewable energy
Learn how climate change mitigation may include renewable energy options such as wind and solar.

Other programs include:

Air Quality
Learn about the impacts of air pollution on human health and the environment. Also, discover how to assess and improve the indoor air quality (IAQ) of your home or school.

Uranium and Radiation
Learn about the impacts of uranium mining on human health and the environment.

EEOP-Sponsored Workshops

Project WET Arizona
Project WET – Discover a Watershed, The Colorado
Arizona Conserve Water

Note: Project WET/Climate Change workshops fulfill Professional Development and Leadership requirements for the STAR School ( Green Ribbon Project.

For more information, please contact:
Mansel Nelson