About Us:

Paul Wagner

Tribal Liaison

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Paul has joint appointments as adjunct faculty and fellow at Virginia Tech’s Center for Leadership in Global Sustainability, and as a Division Chief at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Institute for Water Resources (IWR). At IWR, Paul serves as a senior ecologist and director of 16 subject matter experts working on water resources science, policy, and planning methods. For the last two decades, Paul’s technical work has focused on global change science and policy issues with particular emphasis on climate change. This work includes climate change vulnerability assessment and adaptation planning, decision analysis and scenario planning for climate change, and Federal interagency collaborations as part of the Nation’s responses to climate change. Paul teaches several climate courses including Climate Change Fundamentals, Vulnerability Assessment, Climate Smart Adaptation Planning, Decision Analysis for Climate Change, and Climate and Sustainability for Senior Executive Leaders. He formerly served as the Deputy Associate Director for Climate Adaptation at the White House Council on Environmental Quality, where he worked to advance President Obama’s Climate Action Plan and Executive Order 13693: Preparing the United States for the Impacts of Climate Change. Prior to moving to the National Capitol Region, Paul worked as a research scientist and policy analyst for the EPA’s Regional Vulnerability Assessment program and for EPA’s National Center for Environmental Assessment. Paul has also worked as a Senior Aquatic Ecologist for The Nature Conservancy where he was responsible for ecoregional planning. Paul received his Ph.D. in Biology from Virginia Tech in 2001

Paul can be reached by e-mail at Paul.F.Wagner@usace.army.mil.

About Us > Meet the Advisory Committee > Paul Wagner