PO Box 15004, Flagstaff, AZ 86011-5004
Fax: (928) 523-1266 itep@nau.edu
Climate Change Resources
The amount of information and resources about climate change
issues is overwhelming and ever-growing. The resources included here may be of particular use to individuals who seek a better
understanding of climate change and its impacts on tribal communities or who are working with tribes to address climate change
issues. Included in this section are:
Funding opportunities that may assist tribes in addressing climate change through a broad range of sectors.
Tribal Climate Change Newsletter:
Monthly newsletter that provides links to news items, technical resources, announcements about funding opportunities and upcoming
events, and other information relevant to tribal climate change issues. Join the listserve by sending an email request to
Nikki.Cooley@nau.edu. Archived Newsletters
Tribal Climate Change Fact Sheets:
2-page Fact Sheets developed by ITEP that focus on climate change impacts, adaptation strategies, and other relevant topics.
ITEP Reports:
Climate change reports developed by ITEP.