---------- This website and all DIREnet activities are based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DEB-0443526 --------
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Below are publications contributed by authors whose last name begin with the letter B. In order to download a desired document, simply click on the citation of the document below.
- Bailey, J. D., and W. W. Covington. 2002. Evaluating ponderosa pine regeneration rates following ecological restoration treatments in northern Arizona, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 155:271–278.
- Baird, M., D. Zabowski, and R. L. Everett. 1999. Wildfire effects on carbon and nitrogen in inland coniferous forests. Plant and Soil 209:233–243.
- Baker, W. L., and D. Ehle. 2001. Uncertainty in surface-fire history: the case of ponderosa pine forests in the western United States. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 31:1205–1226.
- Baker, W. L., and D. J. Shinneman. 2004. Fire and restoration of pinon-juniper woodlands in the western United States: a review. Forest Ecology and Management 189:1–21.
- Barber, V. A., G. P. Juday, and B. P. Finney. 2000. Reduced growth of Alaskan white spruce in the twentieth century from temperature-induced drought stress. Nature 405:668–673.
- Barden, L. S. 1988. Drought and survival in a self-perpetuating Pinus pungens population: equilibrium or nonequilibrium? American Midland Naturalist 119:253–257.
- Barrick, K. A., and M. G. Noble. 1993. The iron and manganese status of seven upper montane tree species in Colorado, USA, following long-term waterlogging. Journal of Ecology 81:523–531.
- Barney, M. A., and N. C. Frischknecht. 1974. Vegetation changes following fire in the pinyon-juniper type of west-central Utah. Journal of Range Management 27:91–96.
- Barton, A. M. 2002 Intense wildfire in southeastern Arizona: transformation of a Madrean oak-pine forest to oak woodland. Forest Ecology and Management 165:205–212
- Bataineh, A. L., B. P. Oswald, M. M. Bataineh, H. M. Williams, D. W. Coble. 2006. Changes in understory vegetation of a ponderosa pine forest in northern Arizona 30 years after a wildfire. Forest Ecology and Management 235:283–294.
- Bates, J. D., T. Svejcar, R. F. Miller, and R. A. Angell. 2006 The effects of precipitation timing on sagebrush steppe vegetation. Journal of Arid Environments 64:670–697.
- Beaty, R. M., and A. H. Taylor 2008 Fire history and the structure and dynamics of a mixed conifer forest landscape in the northern Sierra Nevada, Lake Tahoe Basin, California, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 255:707–719.
- Beckage, B., B. Osborne, D. G. Gavin, C. Pucko, T. Siccama, and T. Perkins. 2008. A rapid upward shift of a forest ecotone during 40 years of warming in the Green Mountains of Vermont. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 105:4197–4202.
- Beeson, P. C., S. N. Martens, and D. D. Breshears. 2001. Simulating overland flow following wildfire: mapping vulnerability to landscape disturbance. Hydrological Processes 15:2917–2930.
- Beier, C. M., S. E. Sink, P. E. Hennon, D. V. D’Amore, and G. P. Juday. 2008. Twentieth-century warming and the dendroclimatology of declining yellow-cedar forests in southeastern Alaska. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 38:1319–1334.
- Berg, E. E., J. D. Henry, C. L. Fastie, A. D. De Volder, and S. M. Matsuoka. 2006. Spruce beetle outbreaks on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, and Kluane National Park and Reserve, Yukon Territory: relationship to summer temperatures and regional differences in disturbance regimes. Forest Ecology and Management 227:219–232.
- Bestelmeyer, B. T., D. A. Trujillo, A. J. Tugel, and K. M. Havstad. 2006 A multi-scale classification of vegetation dynamics in arid lands: What is the right scale for models, monitoring, and restoration? Journal of Arid Environments 65:296–318.
- Betancourt, J. L., K. A. Aasen, C. Peñalba, and J. L. McVickar. 2001. Late Quaternary vegetation history of Rough Canyon, south-central New Mexico, USA. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 165:71–95.
- Betts, R. A., Y. Malhi, and J. T. Roberts. 2008. The future of the Amazon: new perspectives from climate, ecosystem and social sciences. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 363:1729–1735.
- Bigler, C., O. U. Bräker, H. Bugmann, M. Dobbertin, and A. Rigling. 2006. Drought as an inciting mortality factor in Scots pine stands of the Valais, Switzerland. Ecosystems 9:330–343.
- Bigler, C., D. G. Gavin, C. Gunning, and T. T. Veblen. 2007. Drought induces lagged tree mortality in a subalpine forest in the Rocky Mountains. Oikos 116:1983–1994.
- Biondi, F. 1999. Comparing tree-ring chronologies and repeated timber inventories as forest monitoring tools. Ecological Applications 9:216–227.
- Boisvenue, C., and S. W. Running. 2006. Impacts of climate change on natural forest productivity: evidence since the middle of the 20th century. Global Change Biology 12:862–882.
- Bonello, P., A. J. Storer, T. R. Gordon, D. L. Wood, and W. Heller. 2003. Systemic effects of Heterobasidion annosum on ferulic acid glucoside and lignin of presymptomatic ponderosa pine phloem, and potential effects on bark-beetle-associated fungi. Journal of Chemical Ecology 29:1167–1182.
- Bonnet, V. H., A. W. Schoettle, and W. D. Shepperd. 2005. Postfire environmental conditions influence the spatial pattern of regeneration for Pinus ponderosa. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 35:37–47.
- Booth, M. S., J. M. Stark, and E. Rastetter. 2005. Controls on nitrogen cycling in terrestrial ecosystems: a synthetic analysis of literature data. Ecological Monographs 75:139–157.
- Bourque, C. P.-A., R. M. Cox, D. J. Allen, P. A. Arp, and F.-R. Meng. 2005. Spatial extent of winter thaw events in eastern North America: historical weather records in relation to yellow birch decline. Global Change Biology 11:1477–1492.
- Boyden, S., D. Binkley, and W. Shepperd. 2005. Spatial and temporal patterns in structure, regeneration, and mortality of an old-growth ponderosa pine forest in the Colorado Front Range. Forest Ecology and Management 219:43–55.
- Boulton, A. J. 2003. Parallels and contrasts in the effects of drought on stream macroinvertebrate assemblages. Freshwater Biology 48:1173–1185.
- Brando, P. M., D. C. Nepstad, E. A. Davidson, S. E. Trumbore, D. Ray, and P. Camargo. 2008. Drought effects on litterfall, wood production and belowground carbon cycling in an Amazon forest: results of a throughfall reduction experiment. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 363:1839–1848.
- Bréda, N., R. Huc, A. Granier, and E. Dreyer. 2006. Temperate forest trees and stands under severe drought: a review of ecophysiological responses, adaptation processes and long-term consequences. Annals of Forest Science 63:625–644.
- Breece, C. R., T. E. Kolb, B. G. Dickson, J. D. McMillin, and K. M. Clancy. 2008. Prescribed fire effects on bark beetle activity and tree mortality in southwestern ponderosa pine forests. Forest Ecology and Management 255:119–128.
- Breshears, D. D. 2006. The grassland-forest continuum: trends in ecosystem properties for woody plant mosaics? Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 4(2):96–104.
- Breshears, D. D., and F. J. Barnes. 1999. Interrelationships between plant and functional types and soil moisture heterogeneity for semiarid landscapes within the grassland/forest continuum: a unified conceptual model. Landscape Ecology 14: 465–478.
- Breshears, D. D., N. S. Cobb, P. M. Rich, K. M. Price, C. D. Allen, R. G. Balice, W. Romme H., J. H. Kastens, L. M. Floyd, J. Belnap, J. J. Anderson, O. B. Myers, and C. Meyer W. 2005. Regional Vegetation die-off in response to global-change-type drought. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102:15144–15148.
- Breshears, D. D., O. B. Myers, C. W. Meyer, F. J. Barnes, C. B. Zou, C. D. Allen, N. G. McDowell, and W. T. Pockman. 2009. Tree die-off in response to global-change-type drought: mortality insights from a decade of plant water potential measurements. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 7: 185–189.
- Briggs, J. M., H. Schaafsma, and D. Trenkov. 2007. Woody vegetation expansion in a desert grassland: prehistoric human impact? Journal of Arid Environments 69:458–472.
- Briske, D. D., S. D. Fuhlendorf, and F. E. Smeins. 2006. A unified framework for assessment and application of ecological thresholds. Rangeland Ecology and Management 59(3):225–236.
- Brockway, D. G., R. G. Gatewood, and R. B. Paris. 2002. Restoring grassland savannas from degraded pinyon-juniper woodlands: effects of mechanical overstory reduction and slash treatment alternatives. Journal of Environmental Management 64:179–197.
- Brown-Mitic, C., W. J. Shuttleworth, R. C. Harlow, J. Petti, E. Burke, R. Bales. 2007 Seasonal water dynamics of a sky island subalpine forest in semi-arid southwestern United States. Journal of Arid Environments 69:237–258.
- Buck, B. J., and H. C. Monger. 1999. Stable isotopes and soil-geomorphology as indicators of Holocene climate change, northern Chihuahuan Desert. Journal of Arid Environments 43:357–373.
- Burke, E. J., R. C. Harlow, and T. P. A. Ferré. 2005. Measuring the dielectric permittivity of a plant canopy and its response to changes in plant water status: an application of Impulse Time Domain Transmission. Plant and Soil 268:123–133.
- Burkett, V. R., D. A. Wilcox, R. Stottlemyer, W. Barrow, D. Fagre, J. Baron, J. Price, J. L. Nielsen, C. D. Allen, D. L. Peterson, G. Ruggerone, and T. Doyle. 2005. Nonlinear dynamics in ecosystem response to climatic change: case studies and policy implications. Ecological Complexity 2:357–394.
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