---------- This website and all DIREnet activities are based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DEB-0443526 --------
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Below are publications contributed by authors whose last name begin with the letter K. In order to download a desired document, simply click on the citation of the document below.
- Karnosky, D. F., K. S. Pregitzer, D. R. Zak, M. E. Kubiske, G. R. Hendrey, D. Weinstein, M. Nosal, and K. E. Percy. 2005. Scaling ozone responses of forest trees to the ecosystem level in a changing climate. Plant, Cell and Environment 28:965–981.
- Kaufmann, M. R. 1996. To live fast or not: growth, vigor and longevity of old-growth ponderosa pine and lodgepole pine trees. Tree Physiology 16:139–144.
- Kearns, H. S. J., and W. R. Jacobi. 2005. Impacts of black stain root disease in recently formed mortality centers in the piñon-juniper woodlands of southwestern Colorado. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 35:461–471.
- Kearns, H. S. J., W. R. Jacobi, and D. W. Johnson. 2005. Persistence of pinyon pine snags and logs in southwestern Colorado. Western Journal of Applied Forestry 20(4) 247–252.
- Kelly, A. E., and M. L. Goulden. 2008. Rapid shifts in plant distribution with recent climate change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 105:11823–11826.
- Kempes, C. P., O. B. Myers, D. D. Breshears, and J. J. Ebersole. 2008. Comparing response of Pinus edulis tree-ring growth to five alternate moisture indices using historic meteorological data. Journal of Arid Environments 72:350–357.
- Kercher, J. R., and M. C. Axelrod. 1984. Analysis of SILVA: a model for forecasting the effects of SO2 pollution and fire on western coniferous forests. Ecological Modelling 23:165–184.
- King, J. S., R. B. Thomas, and B. R. Strain. 1996. Growth and carbon accumulation in root systems of Pinus taeda and Pinus ponderosa seedlings as affected by varying CO2, temperature and nitrogen. Tree Physiology 16:635–642.
- Kolb,T. E., J. K. Agee, P. Z. Fulé, N. G. McDowell, K. Pearson, A. Sala, and R. H. Waring. 2007. Perpetuating old ponderosa pine. Forest Ecology and Management 249:141–157.
- Kolb, T. E., K. M. Holmberg, M. R. Wagner, and J. E. Stone. 1998. Regulation of ponderosa pine foliar physiology and insect resistance mechanisms by basal area treatments. Tree Physiology 18:375–381.
- Korb, J. E., W. W. Covington, and P. Z. Fulé. 2003. Sampling techniques influence understory plant trajectories after restoration: an example from ponderosa pine restoration. Restoration Ecology 11:504–515.
- Korb, J. E., N. C. Johnson, and W. W. Covington. 2003. Arbuscular mycorrhizal propagule densities respond rapidly to ponderosa pine restoration treatments. Journal of Applied Ecology 40:101–110.
- Korb, J. E., and T. A. Ranker. 2001. Changes in stand composition and structure between 1981 and 1996 in four Front Range plant communities in Colorado. Plant Ecology 157:1–11.
- Krämer, S., and D. M. Green. 1999. Phosphorus pools in tree and intercanopy microsites of a juniper-grass ecosystem. Soil Science Society of America Journal 63:1901–1905.
- Krupa, S.V., and R. N. Kickert. 1989. The greenhouse effect: impacts of ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation, carbon dioxide (CO2), and ozone (O3) on vegetation. Environmental Pollution 61:263–393.
- Kuenzi, A. M., P. Z. Fulé, and C. H. Sieg. 2008. Effects of fire severity and pre-fire stand treatment on plant community recovery after a large wildfire. Forest Ecology and Management. 255:855–865.
- Kurz, W. A., C. C. Dymond, G. Stinson, G. J. Rampley, E. T. Neilson, A. L. Carroll, T. Ebata, and L. Safranyik. 2008. Mountain pine beetle and forest carbon feedback to climate change. Nature 452:987–990.
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