---------- This website and all DIREnet activities are based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DEB-0443526 --------
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Below are publications contributed by authors whose last name begin with the letter S. In order to download a desired document, simply click on the citation of the document below.
- Samman, S., and J. Logan (eds.) 2000. Assessment and response to bark beetle outbreaks in the Rocky Mountain area. Report to Congress from Forest Health Protection Washington Office, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station (General Technical Report RMRS-GTR-62). 46 p.
- Samuel, M. J., and R. H. Hart. 1998. Nitrogen fertilization, botanical composition and biomass production on mixed-grass rangeland. Journal of Range Management 51:408–416.
- Sánchez-Martínez G., M. R. Wagner. 2002. Bark beetle community structure under four ponderosa pine forest stand conditions in northern Arizona. Forest Ecology and Management 170:145–160.
- Savage, M. 1997. The role of anthropogenic influences in a mixed-conifer forest mortality episode. Journal of Vegetation Science 8:95–104.
- Schenk, H. J., C. Holzapfel, J. H. Hamilton, and B. E. Mahall. 2003. Spatial ecology of a small desert shrub on adjacent geological substrates. Journal of Ecology 91:383–395.
- Scherrer, D., M. K.-F. Badera, and C. Körnera. 2011. Drought-sensitivity ranking of deciduous tree species based on thermal imaging of forest canopies. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 151:1632–1640.
- Schlesinger, W. H., and N. Gramenopoulos. 1996. Archival photographs show no climate-induced changes in woody vegetation in the Sudan, 1943–1994. Global Change Biology 2:137–141.
- Schlossberg, S. 2006. Abundance and habitat preferences of Gray Vireos (Vireo vicinior) on the Colorado Plateau. The Auk 123(1):33–44.
- Schoennagel, T., T. T. Veblen, and W. H. Romme. 2004. The interaction of fire, fuels, and climate across Rocky Mountain forests. Bioscience 54(7):661–676.
- Schoennagel, T., T. T. Veblen, W. H. Romme, J. S. Sibold, and E. R. Cook. 2005. ENSO and PDO variability affect drought-induced fire occurrence in Rocky Mountain subalpine forests. Ecological Applications 15(6): 2000–2014.
- Schott, M. R., and R. D. Pieper. 1986. Succession of pinyon-juniper communities after mechanical disturbance in southcentral New Mexico. Journal of Range Management 40(1):88–94.
- Schubert, S. D., M. J. Suarez, P. J. Pegion, R. D. Koster, and J. T. Bacmeister. 2004. On the cause of the 1930s Dust Bowl. Science 303:1855–1859.
- Schuler, T. M., and F. W. Smith. 1988. Effect of species mix on size/density and leaf-area relations in Southwest pinyon/juniper woodlands. Forest Ecology and Management 25:211–220.
- Schwilk, D. W., E. E. Knapp, S. M. Ferrenberg, J. E. Keeley, and A. C. Caprio. 2006. Tree mortality from fire and bark beetles following early and late season prescribed fires in a Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer forest. Forest Ecology and Management. 232:36–45.
- Schwinning, S., B. I. Starr, and J. R. Ehleringer. 2005. Summer and winter drought in a cold desert ecosystem (Colorado Plateau) part I: effects on soil water and plant water uptake. Journal of Arid Environments 60:547–566.
- Schwinning, S., B. I. Starr, and J. R. Ehleringer. 2005. Summer and winter drought in a cold desert ecosystem (Colorado Plateau) part II: effects on plant carbon assimilation and growth. Journal of Arid Environments 61:61–78.
- Scott-Denton, L. E., K. L. Sparks, and R. K. Monson. 2003. Spatial and temporal controls of soil respiration rate in a high-elevation, subalpine forest. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 35:525–534.
- Seager, R., M. Ting, I. Held, Y. Kushnir, J. Lu, G. Vecchi, H.-P. Huang, N. Harnik, A. Leetmaa, N.-C. Lau, C. Li, J. Velez, and N. Naik. 2007. Model projections of an imminent transition to a more arid climate in southwestern North America. Science 136:1181–1184.
- Segura, G., and L. C. Snook. 1992. Stand dynamics and regeneration patterns of a pinyon pine forest in east central Mexico. Forest Ecology and Management 47:175–194.
- Segura, G., P. Balvanera, E. Durán, and A. Pérez. 2003. Tree community structure and stem mortality along a water availability gradient in a Mexican tropical dry forest. Plant Ecology 169:259–271.
- Seidl, R., W. Rammer, D. Jäger, and M. J. Lexer. 2008. Impact of bark beetle (Ips typographus L.) disturbance on timber production and carbon sequestration in different management strategies under climate change. Forest and Ecology Management 256: 209–220.
- Shure, D. J., P. D. Mooreside, and S. M. Ogle. 1998. Rainfall effects on plant-herbivore processes in an upland oak forest. Ecology 79:604–617.
- Shuster, T. D., N. S. Cobb, T. G. Whitham, and S. C. Hart. 2004. Relative importance of environmental stress and herbivory in reducing litter fall in a semiarid woodland. Ecosystems 7:1–11.
- Simonin, K., T. E. Kolb,M. Montes-Helu, and G. W. Koch. 2007. The influence of thinning on components of stand water balance in a ponderosa pine forest stand during and after extreme drought. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 143:266–276.
- Skousen, J. G., J. N. Davis, and J. D. Brotherson. 1988. Pinyon-juniper chaining and seeding for big game in central Utah. Journal of Range Management 42(2): 98–104.
- Smith, A. E., and F. W. Smith. 2005. Twenty-year change in aspen dominance in pure aspen and mixed aspen/conifer stands on the Uncompahgre Plateau, Colorado, USA. Forest Ecology and Management. 213:338–348.
- Smith, D. L., and L. Johnson. 2004. Vegetation-mediated changes in microclimate reduce soil respiration as woodlands expand into grasslands. Ecology 85(12):3348–3361.
- Smith, F. A., M. D. Matocq, K. F. Melendez, A. M. Ditto, and P. A. Kelly. 2000. How isolated are Pleistocene refugia? Results from a study on a relict woodrat population from the Mojave Desert, California. Journal of Biogeography 27:483–500.
- Smith, J. E., D. McKay, C. G. Niwa, W. G. Thies, G. Brenner, and J. W. Spatafora. 2004. Short-term effects of seasonal prescribed burning on the ectomycorrhizal fungal community and fine root biomass in ponderosa pine stands in the Blue Mountains of Oregon. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 34:2477–2491.
- Smith, S. D., T. E. Huxman, S. F. Zitzer, T. N. Charlet, D. C. Housman, J. S. Coleman, L. K. Fenstermaker, J. R. Seemann, and R. S. Nowak. 2000. Elevated CO2 increases productivity and invasive species success in an arid ecosystem. Nature 408:79–82.
- Snyder, K. A., and S. L. Tartowski. 2006. Multi-scale temporal variation in water availability: implications for vegetation dynamics in arid and semi-arid ecosystems. Journal of Arid Environments 65:219–234.
- Snyder, M. A., and Y. B. Linhart. 1998. Subspecific selectivity by a mammalian herbivore: geographic differentiation of interactions between two taxa of Sciurus aberti and Pinus ponderosa. Evolutionary Ecology 12:755–765.
- Soja A. J., N. M. Tchebakova, N. H. F. French, M. D. Flannigan, H. H. Shugart, B. J. Stocks, A. I. Sukhinin, E. I. Parfenova, F. S. Chapin, III, and P. W. Stackhouse, Jr. 2007. Climate-induced boreal forest change: predictions versus current observations. Global and Planetary Change 56:274–296.
- Sorensen, J. S., J. D. McLister, and M. D. Dearing. 2005. Novel plants secondary metabolites impact dietary specialists more than generalists (Neotoma spp.). Ecology 86(1):140–154.
- Sorensen, J. S., J. D. McLister, and M. D. Dearing. 2005. Plant secondary metabolites compromise the energy budgets of specialist and generalist mammalian herbivores. Ecology 86(1):125–139.
- Soulé, P. T., P. A. Knapp, and H. D. Grissino-Mayer. 2004. Human agency, environmental drivers, and western juniper establishment during the late Holocene. Ecological Applications 14:96–112.
- Speer, J. H., and R. R. Jensen. 2003. A hazards approach towards modelling pandora moth risk. Journal of Biogeography 30:1899–1906.
- Speer, J. H., T. W. Swetnam, B. E. Wickman, and A. Youngblood. 2001. Changes in pandora moth outbreak dynamics during the past 622 years. Ecology 82(3):679–697.
- Springer, A. E., M. A. Amentt, T. E. Kolb, and R. M. Mullen. 2006. Evapotranspiration of two vegetation communities in a high-elevation meadow at Hart Prairie, Arizona. Water Resources Research 42:W03412, doi:10.1029/2004WR003863.
- Stark, J. M., D. R. Smart, S. C. Hart, and K. A. Haubensak. 2002. Regulation of nitric oxide emissions from forest and rangeland soils of western North America. Ecology 83(8):2278–2292.
- Steed, B. E., and M. R. Wagner. 2004. Importance of log size on host selection and reproductive success of Ips pini (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) in ponderosa pine slash of northern Arizona and western Montana. Journal of Economic Entomology 97(2):436–450.
- Stein, S. J. 1988. Explanations of the imbalanced age structure and scattered distribution of ponderosa pine within a high-elevation mixed coniferous forest. Forest Ecology and Management 25:139–153.
- Stendell, E. R., T. R. Horton, and T. D. Bruns. 1999. Early effects of prescribed fire on the structure of the ectomycorrhizal fungus community in a Sierra Nevada ponderosa pine forest. Mycological Research 103(10):1353–1359.
- Stephens, S. L., and D. L. Fry. 2005. Spatial distribution of regeneration patches in an old-growth Pinus jeffreyi-mixed conifer forest in northwestern Mexico. Journal of Vegetation Science 16:693–702.
- Sternberg, M., V. K. Brown, G. J. Masters, and I. P. Clarke. 1999. Plant community dynamics in a calcareous grassland under climate change manipulations. Plant Ecology 143:29–37.
- Sthultz, C. M., C. A. Gehring,and T. G. Whitham. 2007. Shifts from competition to facilitation between a foundation tree and a pioneer shrub across spatial and temporal scales in a semiarid woodland. New Phytologist 173:135–145.
- Stohlgren T. J., and R. R. Bachand. 1997. Lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) ecotones in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, USA. Ecology 78(2):632–641.
- Stohlgren T. J., A. J. Owen, and M. Lee. 2000. Monitoring shifts in plant diversity in response to climate change: a method for landscapes. Biodiversity and Conservation 9:65–86.
- Suarez, M. L., L. Ghermandi, and T. Kitzberger. 2004. Factors predisposing episodic drought-induced tree mortality in Nothofagus — site, climatic sensitivity and growth trends. Journal of Ecology 92:954–966.
- Sulzman, E. W., J. B. Brant, R. D. Bowden, and K. Lajtha. 2005. Contribution of aboveground litter, belowground litter, and rhizosphere respiration to total soil CO2 efflux in an old growth coniferous forest. Biogeochemistry 73:231–256.
- Sun, O. J., J. Campbell, B. E. Law, and V. Wolf. 2004. Dynamics of carbon stocks in soils and detritus across chronosequences of different forest types in the Pacific Northwest, USA. Global Change Biology 10:1470–1481.
- Swanson, M. 2005. Centuries of change in Pacific Northwest Forests: ecological effects of forest simplification and fragmentation. University of Washington, College of Forest Resources, Northwest Environmental Forum:19 p.
- Swaty, R. L., R. J. Deckert, T. G. Whitham, and C. A. Gehring. 2004. Ectomycorrhizal abundance and community composition shifts with drought: predictions from tree rings. Ecology 85(4):1072–1084.
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