---------- This website and all DIREnet activities are based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DEB-0443526 --------
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Below are publications contributed by authors whose last name begin with the letter A. In order to download a desired document, simply click on the citation of the document below.
- Adams, H. D., A. K. Macalady, D. D. Breshears, C. D. Allen, N. L. Stephenson, S. R. Saleska, T. E. Huxman, and N. G. McDowell. 2010. Climate-induced tree mortality: Earth system consequences. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 91(17): 153–154.
- Adams, R. P., L. E. Flournoy, R. L. Singh, H. Johnson, and H. Mayeux. 1998. Invasion of grasslands by Juniperus ashei: a new theory based on random amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 26:371–377.
- Adil, S. 2008. Climate change and forest in Morocco: case of the decay of the cedar in the Atlas Mountains. Poster presentation, Adaptation of Forests and Forest Management to Changing Climate with Emphasis on Forest Health: A Review of Science, Policies, and Practices, August 25–28, Umeå, Sweden: FAO/IUFRO, 2008.
- Allen, C. D., A. K. Macalady, H. Chenchouni, D. Bachelet, N. McDowell, M. Vennetier, T. Kitzberger, A. Rigling, D. D. Breshears, E. H. Hogg, P. Gonzalez, R. Fensham, Z. Zhang, J. Castro, N. Demidova, J.-H. Lim, G. Allard, S. W. Running, A. Semerci, and N. Cobb. 2010. A global overview of drought and heat-induced tree mortality reveals emerging climate change risks for forests. Forest Ecology and Management 259(4):660–684.
- Andersen, C. P., R. Wilson, M. Plocher, and W. E. Hogsett. 1997. Carry-over effects of ozone on root growth and carbohydrate concentrations of ponderosa pine seedlings. Tree Physiology 17:805–811.
- Anderson, J. J., and N. S. Cobb. 2004. Tree cover discrimination in panchromatic aerial imagery of pinyon-juniper woodlands. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 70:1063–1068.
- Anderson, R. S. 1993. A 35,000 year vegetation and climate history from Potato Lake, Mogollon Rim, Arizona. Quaternary Research 40:351–359.
- Anderson, R. S., J. Hasbargen, P. A. Koehler, and E. J. Feiler. 1999. Late Wisconsin and Holocene subalpine forests of the Markagunt Plateau of Utah, southwestern Colorado Plateau, U.S.A. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 31:366–378.
- Anderson, R. S., and T. R. Van Devender. 1991. Comparison of pollen and macrofossils in packrat (Neotoma) middens: a chronological sequence from the Waterman Mountains of southern Arizona, U.S.A. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 68:1–28.
- Andreu, L., E. Gutiérrez, M. Macias, M. Ribas, O. Bosch, J. J. Camarero. 2007. Climate increases regional tree-growth variability in Iberian pine forests. Global Change Biology 13:804–815.
- Anthoni, P. M., M. H. Unsworth, B. E. Law, J. Irvine, D. D. Baldocchi, S. Van Tuyl, and D. Moore. 2002. Seasonal differences in carbon and water vapor exchange in young and old-growth ponderosa pine ecosystems. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 111:203–222.
- Archer, S., C. Scifres, C. R. Bassham, and R. Maggio. 1988. Autogenic succession in a subtropical savanna: conversion of grassland to thorn woodland. Ecological Monographs 58:111–127.
- Ares, J. 1976. Dynamics of the root system of blue grama. Journal of Range Management 29:208–213.
- Arnott, S. E., B. Keller, P. J. Dillon, N. Yan, M. Paterson, and D. Findlay. 2003. Using temporal coherence to determine the response to climate change in Boreal Shield lakes. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 88:365–388.
- Ashmore, M. R. 2005. Assessing the future global impacts of ozone on vegetation. Plant, Cell and Environment 28:949–964.
- Auclair, A. N. D. 1993. Extreme climatic fluctuations as a cause of forest dieback in the Pacific Rim. Water Air and Soil Pollution 66:207–229.
- Auclair, A. N. D. 2005. Patterns and general characteristics of severe forest dieback from 1950 to 1995 in the northeastern United States. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 35:1342–1355.
- Aukema, B. H., and K. F. Raffa. 2005. Selective manipulation of predators using pheromones: responses to frontalin and ipsdienol pheromone components of bark beetles in the Great Lakes region. Agriculture and Forest Entomology 7:193–200.
- Austin, A. T., L. Yahdijan, J. M. Stark, J. Belnap, A. Porporato, U. Norton, D. A. Ravetta, and S. Schaeffar. 2004. Water pulses and biogeochemical cycles in arid and semiarid ecosystems. Oecologia 141:221–235.
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