ITEP Conferences:
2011 Tribal Lands & Environment Forum presentations
Unless otherwise noted, all files are in pdf format.
Tuesday, Aug 23
Plenary Sessions:
1:30pm - 3:00pm Sessions:
- Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures: What You Need to Know
- USEPA's Agency-Wide Plan to Provide Tribal Waste Management Capacity Assistance
- TWRAP Superfund Case Studies:
3:30pm - 5:00pm Sessions:
- Key Factors for Successfully Managing a Tribal Transfer Station
- Tribal Lands and Federal Indian Policy
- Brownfields Community Outreach Case Study
- Proposed Rulemaking for CERCLA Section 108(b) - Financial Responsibility for the Hardrock Mining Industry
Wednesday, Aug 25
8:30am - 10:00am Sessions:
Food Waste Case Studies
- Tribal Lands and Federal Indian Policy
- Environmental Aspects of Risk Assessment
- Sociological Aspects of Risk Assessment
Uranium Issues in Indian Country:
- Spills, Releases, Horror Stories and the Same Old Same Old: What Can Tribal UST Inspectors Learn From These
- Enhancing Your Tribal Response Program
8:30am - 12:30pm Training:
Superfund Essentials Training:
10:30am - 12:00pm Sessions:
- USEPA's Agency-Wide Plan to Provide Tribal Waste Management Capacity Assistance
Emerging UST Issues in Indian Country:
- Household Clean Sweep Collection
- Developing Pollution Prevention for a Tribal Casino
- The Toxic Release Inventory and Your Right to Know
- Tribal Response Program Case Studies
1:30pm - 3:00pm Sessions:
- All Appropriate Inquiry: Phase I and Phase II Assessments
- Incorporating Environmental Justice Principles into Tribal Programs
- Hazardous Waste Recycling Under the Definition of Solid Waste Rule
USEPA Region 5 Pilot Case Study for a National Tribal Waste Management Peer Match Initiative:
OSWER Vapor Intrusion Activities:
3:30pm - 5:00pm Sessions:
- Resource Recovery and Landfill Alternatives
- Waste to Energy
- Developing a Tribal Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan Using a Template Format
- The IHS, wSTARS, and Operations and Maintenance Data System Solid Waste Survey Form
- Tribal ARARs and USEPA's National Remedy Review Process: St. Regis Superfund Case Study
Site Assessment and Inventory Tools:
Thursday, August 25:
- Yikes! How Do I Provide Good Customer Service?
- UST Awareness Training for Tribal Personnel
- National Incident Management System Training
For more information please contact:
Todd Barnell
Program Manager