IAQTC: Indoor Air Quality in Tribal Communities
IAQ Managemnet in Tribal Schools:
The IAQTC staff is interested in helping tribal schools improve their air quality. By working with tribal environmental
professionals and tribal school staff and administrators, we can provide practicale solutions to assess and improve IAQ
for tribal schools.
Improving air quality in schools has many benefits, including...
- Reduce absenteeism
- Improve student and staff concentration
- Improve student productivity and performance
- Decrease IAQ-related health risks from exposure to indoor pollutants
- Reduce environmental triggers of asthma
- Reduce respiratory illness
Contact us for more detials regarding this program.
Schools webinar:
Click HERE for webinar.
National Tools for Schools Symposium:
The IAQTC staff recruited tribal staff and tribal educators to attend the 2011 National Tools for Schools Symposium. The purpose of attending the symposium was to give tribal staff the opportunity to learn about the EPA Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools (IAQTfS) program and take it back to their community for implementation in tribal schools. The staff anticipates recruiting tribal staff for the 2012 Symposium. If you are interested, contact the IAQTC staff.
National Tools for Schools Symposium
Tribal Tools for Schools Partnerships
Past participants in the National Tools for Schools Symposium are invited to be partners with the IAQTC staff to implement steps to improve IAQ management in schools. ITEP staff are working with the tribes identified below to develop and implement school IAQ management programs. Check back with us as we’ll share successes and lessons learned from our various tribal partners.
- Nez Perce Tribe
- Fort Belknap
- Tohono O'odham Nation
Healthy Schools Resource List:
Healthy Schools Campaign - Quick and Easy Guide to Green Cleaning in Schools
Informed Green Solutions - Cleaning for Healthier Schools, Infection Control Handbook
National Collaborative Work Group on Green Cleaning and Chemical Policy Reform in Schools - Cleaning for Healthy Schools
Centers for Disease Control - Handwashing Tips (website with posters)
Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) - Cleaning Chemicals and Your Health (poster)
OSHA NIOSH InfoSheet – Protecting workers who use cleaning chemicals
Green Cleaning for Dummies - Stephen Ashkin, David Holly
Resources for Indoor Air Quality Management in Schools
The EPA website has a variety of resources for addressing IAQ management in schools.
EPA Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools
Healthy Schools Campaign - Quick and Easy Guide to Green Cleaning in Schools
Informed Green Solutions - Cleaning for Healthier Schools, Infection Control Handbook
National Collaborative Work Group on Green Cleaning and Chemical Policy Reform in Schools - Cleaning for Healthy Schools
Centers for Disease Control - Handwashing Tips (website with posters)
Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) - Cleaning Chemicals and Your Health (poster)
OSHA NIOSH InfoSheet – Protecting workers who use cleaning chemicals
Green Cleaning for Dummies - Stephen Ashkin, David Holly
Resources for Indoor Air Quality Management in Schools
The EPA website has a variety of resources for addressing IAQ management in schools.
EPA Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools
For more information please contact:
Mansel Nelson