IAQTC: Indoor Air Quality in Tribal Communities
Asthma Education:
What is Asthma?
Asthma is a serious, sometimes life-threatening respiratory disease that affects the quality of life for thousands of
Native Americans. Although there is no cure for asthma yet, asthma can be controlled through medical treatment and
management of environmental triggers. The IAQTC staff is committed to educating all Native Americans about asthma
so that everyone knows what asthma is, how the environment can affect asthma patients and how to manage environmental
asthma triggers.
Asthma webinar:
Click HERE for webinar.
National Asthma Forum:
The National Asthma Forum was held June 9-10, 2011, in Washington, DC. Four tribal staff and ITEP IAQTC staff
attended the National Asthma Forum. The purpose of attending the conference was to develop partnership with the IAQTC
staff to address asthma in tribal communities.
National Asthma Forum
Arizona Asthma Coalition:
The IAQTC staff is collaborating with the Arizona Asthma Coalition in order to promote asthma education throughout
Arizona. The coalition includes both health providers and environmental staff. For more information on the coalition,
visit the website or contact Mansel Nelson.
Arizona Asthma Coalition
AsthmaCommunityNetwork.org announces the launch of a new podcast series:Conversations for Advancing Action
School-specific asthma resources from the American Lung Association
Asthma resources for School Nurses [pdf]
ALA Asthma Overview [pdf]
Parents and Caregivers [pdf]
The Asthma-Friendly Schools Initiative Champion Awards is a national recognition program for schools going above and beyond in their
efforts to address asthma. There are two types of award levels available based on the scope of your school’s asthma management program.
Apply Now! Deadline June 15, 2013:
Click HERE for more information. [pdf]
Click HERE to apply.
Check out the American Lung Association's joint statement on improving asthma management in schools:
Click HERE for more information. [pdf]
In October 2012, the American Lung Association convened a group of school and health-based partners to collaborate on asthma-friendly schools
activities at the national level. As a result of this meeting, a joint statement on improving asthma management in schools was drafted that
reflects the recommendations outlined in the American Lung Association’s National Asthma Public Policy Agenda.
Asthma Education Resources
In collaboration with the IAQTC staff the EPA Tribal IAQ program has put together a PowerPoint that can help with Asthma Education.
For more information on asthma education go to EPA Asthma Basics for Tribal Communities. [pdf]
For more information please contact:
Mansel Nelson