ITEP Conferences:

2019 Tribal Lands & Environment Forum: A National Conversation on Tribal Land and Water Resources
2019 Presentation downloads
Unless otherwise noted, all files are in pdf format.
8:00am Sessions:
- Indigenous Planning & Mapping: Community Engagement Tools And Strategies For The Brownfields Redevelopment Process
- Wetland Status from Twenty-Seven Tribal Nations; a Look at Wetland Protection Plan Development and How that Creates the Roadmap for Wetland Protection, Monitoring and Assessment, and Water Quality Assessment Tools – Staff from USET
- Clean Water Act Assessment Training – Laura Shumway and Tom Gardner, US
- Environmental Health and Land Reuse Training– Laurel Berman, Randal Bernthal, Leann Bing, Sue Casteel, Dave Laney, ATSDR and Pam Maples, Navajo Nation EPA
- Incorporating Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Considerations and Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration at Superfund Sites - Michelle Krasnec, Kaylene Ritter and Heather Hosterman, Abt Associates, Christin Lee, Wyandotte Nation, Michael Chacon and Raymond Martinez, Pueblo of San Ildefonso, and Brian Crossley, Spokane Tribe
- Establishing and Enhancing a 128(a) Tribal Response Brownfield Program - Mickey Hartnett, KSU Tribal TAB, Hans Bradley, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, Ray Reed, Turtle Mtn. Band of Chippewas, Mark Junker, Sac and Fox Nation, and Jose Garcia, USEPA
- Strengthening Tribal Self-Determination and Self-Governance – Jim Grijalva, University of North Dakota
8:00am Sessions:
- Developing Tribal-EPA ETEPs for Environmental Protection – Lisa Berrios, Felicia Wright, and Ira Hight, USEPA
- Lead Awareness in Indian Country: Keeping Our Children Healthy - Susan Hanson, Shoshone Bannock Tribes and NTTC, and Jubin Cheruvel, MSU Health and Nutrition Institute and Larry Dunn, Russel Hepfer , and Amanda Hauff, NTTC - No Presentation Available
- Successful Redevelopment of Superfund Sites on Tribal Lands: Tools and Support and Roundtable – Rebecca Stevens, Coeur d’Alene Tribe; Summer King, Quapaw Nation; Amanda Van Epps and Helen Duteau, US EPA
- Database & Mapping Techniques For Inventorying Sites, Tracking Cleanup & Redevelopment Progress, and Community Engagement (Hands On!) – Cynthia Arnett and Eric Sheets, KSU Tribal TAB
- Spill Prevention and Counter Control Measures - Peter Reich, US EPA Region 9
Environmental Health and Land Reuse Training– Laurel Berman, Randal Bernthal, Leann Bing, Sue Casteel, Dave Laney, ATSDR and Pam Maples, Navajo Nation EPA
- This training is continued from Monday. All presentations are listed under Monday sessions
- Data Vs. Information – Lydia Scheer, ITEP; Frank Harjo, Muscogee Creek Nation; and BryAnna Vaughan, Bishop Paiute Tribe AND How You Can Use E-Enterprise To Make Efficiencies In Your Environmental Program Management – Frank Harjo, Muscogee (Creek) Nation and Lisa Gover, Campo Band of Kumeyaay Indians
- Presentation: Data vs Information
- Presentation: Digital Strategy
- Presentation: PIN Date Use Examples
- Presentation: TGG Needs Assessment and Highlights
- Beginning a Curbside and Hub and Spoke Recycle Program - Loren Jojolo, Pueblo of Isleta
- Collecting and Managing Recycling Data – Tracy Horst and Jason Lilley, Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma - No Presentation Available
- The ABC’s of UST – Ben Thomas, UST Training
- What’s Wrong with this Picture? – Ben Thomas, UST Training
- The Partnership Between Tribes and EPA’s Emergency Response Program: Case Studies from Region 9 – Vivian Craig, Navajo Nation, Amanda Pease and Steve Calanog, US EPA Region 9
- Preparing Competitive Grant Proposals: 104(k) Brownfield & Other Funding – Ignacio Dayrit, CCLR, Rachel Lentz, US EPA, and Hans Bradley, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe
- General Outreach Tips & Tricks for Environmental Programs – Heidi Brow and Alexis Wallick, Pala Band of Mission Indians
- DISC: A New EPA Application to Enhance Sustainability and Resilience of Communities -Wenona Wilson, US EPA Region 10
- Developing Tribal Water Quality Standards as a First and Critical Step Toward Tribal Environmental Self-Determination – Jim Grijalva, University of North Dakota
- ATTAINS for Tribal Assessment Reporting – Laura Shumway, US EPA
- The National Aquatic Resource Surveys: Assessing the Nation’s Water through a National Partnership – Sarah Lehman, US EPA
8:30am Sessions:
- Raising Environmental Awareness Through Community Outreach – Page Hingst, Santee Sioux Nation and Tracy Horst, Choctaw Nation
- ST Program Updates and Future Directions - Carolyn Hoskinson, USEPA - No Presentation Available
- Characteristics of UST Cleanups in Indian Country - Mark Barolo, US EPA
- Indigenous Response to Transboundary Smelter Contamination – Whitney Fraser, Lodestone Environmental Consulting and Cindy Marchand, Colville Confederated Tribes
- Brownfields Inventory Tool (BIT) and EPA ACRES Database – Scott Nightingale, KSU Tribal TAB and José García, US EPA
- Don't Let the Sun Go Down: Originating, Conceiving and Implementing PV Solar Power Projects on Tribal Lands
- EPA Tribal Listening Session: Updates on Office of Water Regulatory Efforts – Rose Kwok and Lauren Kasparek, US EPA - No Presentation Available
- PFAS, Toxic Consumer Products, and Tribal Risks and Concerns – Lynn Zender, Zender Environmental, Susan Hanson, Suzanne Fluharty, Russel Hepfer, Larry Dunn, Jubin Cheruvel, NTTC
Recycling and the Materials Economy: Making Recycling Work for You – Rob Roy, La Jolla Band of Luiseno Indians; Suzie Boxman, US EPA; and America Recycles representative
- Presentation: Rob Roy, La Jolla Band of Luiseno Indians - No Presentation Available
- Presentation: Suzie Boxman, USEPA - No Presentation Available
- Presentation: Dylan de Thomas, The Recycling
- UST Implementation: Successes and Challenges - Tony Raia and Mallory Miller, US EPA; Michael Arce, Oneida Nation
- Case Study: Shoshone Bannock Tribes – Kelly Wright, Susan Hanson, and Shannon Ansley, Shoshone Bannock Tribes
- Successful Tribal Brownfields Programs - Dale Mitchell, Passamaquoddy Tribe; Sean O’Brien, Penobscot Indian Nation; Margaret Chavez, ENIPC; Amy Jean McKeown, US EPA; Aaron Brignull and Rich Campbell, Campbell Environmental Group
- Learn the Basics: Start Your Pollinator Protection Plan to Protect Tribal Natural Resources – Fred Corey, Aroostook Band of Micmacs and Amanda Hauff, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - No Presentation Available
- Groundwater Monitoring on the 29 Palms Reservation – Levi Anderson, 29 Palms Band of Mission Indians
- The Southern California Tribal Stream Team: Working Together for Water Quality Assessment – Kimberley Miller, Morongo Band of Mission Indians
- Applying for Treatment in a Similar Manner as States and Implementing a Tribal 303(d) Program - E. Dylan Laird, US EPA
- Addressing EPA's Proposed Rule Under CWA Section 401 – Jill Grant, Jill Grant & Associates, LLC, Ken Norton, Hoopa Valley Tribe, and Nancy Schuldt, Fond du Lac Tribe
- From Trash to Treasure - Page Hingst, Santee Sioux Nation and Tracy Horst, Choctaw Nation
- Compliance Assistance Officers and Federal Inspector Credentials for USTs in Indian Country - Carolyn Hoskinson, US EPA - No Presentation Available
- Gas Stations in Indian Country: Economic Opportunity, Environmental Liability and an Exercise in Sovereignty – Victoria Flowers, Oneida Nation
- Remediation at the Tar Creek Superfund Site – Summer King, Quapaw Nation
- Remedies: To Defer Or Not To Defer? – Rebecca Stevens, Coeur d’Alene Tribe
- Roundtable and Listening session with US EPA HQ/ Tribal Brownfields Forum – David Lloyd, US EPA, Eric Sheets and Oral Saulters, KSU Tribal TAB Partner, and Joy Britt, Mike Brook, and Bailey Richards, Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium - No Presentation Available
- Land, Water & Air: Tribal Resilience Planning in the Face of Climate Change – Nikki Cooley, ITEP - No Presentation Available
- National Tribal Water Council Information Sharing & Listening Session – Ken Norton, Hoopa Valley Tribe and other NTWC members
- Successful Tips and Suggestion for Applying for EPA Competitive Grants – Howard Kahan, EPA and BryAnna Vaughan, Bishop Paiute Tribe
8:30am Sessions:
- Solid Waste Code Writing for Tribal Environmental Professionals – Anne Perry, Snowpony Consulting
- Hits and Misses: Region 7 Experiences with the October Deadline of the 2015 UST Rules – Mark Junker, Sac & Fox Nation of Missouri in KS and NE and Alisha Bartling, Santee Sioux Nation, Virginia LeClere, Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation, and Michael Pomes, EPA Region 7
- Tribal Superfund Working Group Discussion on National Issues
- Emergency Management- Mike Reyes, 29 Palms Band of Mission Indians - No Presentation Available
Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (Drones) for Surveying and Inventorying Brownfields and Other Tribal Lands
- Presentation: Cynthia Annett, KSU Tribal TAB
- Presentation: Jose Garcia, USEPA - No Presentation Available
- US EPA's Decentralized Wastewater Program - Catherine Allen, US EPA
- Regulatory Challenges of the Navajo Gallup Water Supply Project – Yolanda Barney, Navajo Nation and Bessie Lee, US EPA Region 9 - No Presentation Available
- Using CWA 319 Funds for Invasive Species Removal on Your Reservation – David Lewis, Yavapai Apache Nation and Howard Kahan, US EPA - No Presentation Available
- Engaging Communities on Water Through Arts and Culture – Marleah LaBelle, Native Village of Port Graham - No Presentation Available
- Building a Tribal Compost Program From the Ground Up– Alex Bauer, Stockbridge-Munsee Indian Community
- Developing a Small-Scale Composting Operation at Elk Valley Casino - Tasha Royal and Rob Jacob, Elk Valley Rancheria
- Tribal Case Study of a UST Cleanup – Troy Techlin, Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan
- Site Characterization and Remedial Design: The Struggle Is Real – Lisa Montgomery and Mark Junker, Sac & Fox Nation of Missouri in KS and NE - No Presentation Available
- Tribal Superfund Working Group Talking Circle - No Presentation Available
- The Northern Cheyenne Tribe's Brownfields Program: Addressing Community Challenges – Wayne Roundstone and Marty Ewing, Northern Cheyenne Tribe, and Adam Johnson, Newfields - No Presentation Available
- Coachella Crossroads: A Brownfields Case Study - Marco Perez and Shawn Muir, 29 Palms Band of Mission Indians - No Presentation Available
- Revised GAP Guidance Information Session – Felicia Wright and Lisa Berrios, US EPA - No Presentation Available
- Implementation of 3Ts Lead in Tribal Schools Sampling Programs – Loribeth Tanner and Meaghan Bresnahan, US EPA Region 6 - No Presentation Available
- Surviving the Perfect Storm - Justin Avery, Alisha Bartling, and Corey Widow, Santee Sioux Nation - No Presentation Available
- PBPN Wetlands: The 1st Tribal Wetlands Restoration Easement Contract in Kansas and One of Few Nationwide - Virginia LeClere, Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation - No Presentation Available
- Providing Household Hazardous Waste Assistance to New Mexico Pueblos and Tribes – Amity Furr, ENIPC
- Solid Waste and Household Hazardous Waste Tracking Methods and Forms – Heidi Brow and Alexis Wallick, Pala Band of Mission Indians
- Emerging Issues and Trends in Fueling Systems: Observations and Solutions – Jeff Dzierzanowski, Source NA, Victoria Flowers, Oneida Nation, and Todd Fergeson Tanknology (invited)
- Area Planning for Oil Spills: How To Be Involved - Nhi Irwin and Linda Pilkey-Jarvis, WA State Dept. of Ecology
- Leveraging Authorities: Tribal Response to a Train derailment and Spill – Nancy Schuldt, Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa - No Presentation Available
- Leveraging Brownfields to Build Tribal Resilience – Jennifer Clancey and Oral Saulters, KSU Tribal TAB, Page Hingst, Santee Sioux Nation of Nebraska, Mike Henry, Tohono O’odham Nation, and Damon Dunbar, Cheyenne-Arapaho Tribes
- Success Stories: How To Highlight Tribal Work Reducing Nonpoint Source Pollution – Howard Kahan, US EPA - No Presentation Available
- A Journey of 1,000 Miles: Fire, Water and Earth on Santa Clara Pueblo –Dino Chavarria and Robert Gutuerrez, Santa Clara Pueblo - No Presentation Available
- Watershed Planning and Implementation: Using the Watershed Approach in Your Nonpoint Source Program - Sarah Ryan, Big Valley Band of Pomo Indians and Janette Marsh, US EPA - No Presentation Available
For more information please contact:
Todd Barnell
Project Director