ITEP Conferences:
Virtual Conferences
***All recordings, PowerPoint presentations, and resources presented during the 2020 TLEF:VG may be accessed at
ITEP’s Tribal Lands and Environment Forum: Virtual Gathering 2021 media channel.
You may search for presentations, topics, and/or presenters by typing your inquiry into the "Search this channel" field.***
All presenter and moderator bios can be found on the Past TLEF’s page for 2021.
2021 Tribal Lands & Environment Forum: Virtual Gathering
Please note that all links listed below will take you directly to the NAU Media Space page for that session. On that page, you will be able to play a recording of the presentation as well as access the slides or additional materials provided by the presenter(s). Unless otherwise noted, all files are in pdf format.
2021 TLEF:VG Opening Plenary
2021 TLEF:VG Cultural Presentation
Live/Webinar Based Sessions
- Use of Drones in EPA’s Superfund and Emergency Response Programs: Matthew Huyser, EPA
- Bringing the Tribal Waste Journal to Life: Sustainable Materials Management – Food, Built Environment and Recycling: Daniel Wildcat, Haskell University, Julia Jacobs, Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe, Tracy Horst, Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, and Kristina Torres and Kim Katonica, USEPA
- Indigenous Brownfields: Visioning, Listening, and Co-Creating the Future: Oral Saulters and Eric Sheets, KSU, Mark Junker, Sac and Fox Nation of Missouri in Kansas and Nebraska
- Tribal Perspective on Use of Drones in Superfund and Emergency Response Programs: Darlene Jenkins, Navajo Nation, Natalie McDonald, Coeur d’Alene Tribe, and Chelsea Jones, Cherokee Nation
- Tribal Solid Waste Program Development Opportunities – Current and Future: David Jones, Denise Roy, and Charles Reddoor, USEPA
- Tribal Microgrid Projects – Successful Planning and Implementation: Tribal Microgrid Projects - Successful Planning and Implementation: Joshua Simmons, Prosper Sustainably
Live/Webinar Based Sessions
- Federal Facility Sites and the FEDFacts Tool: Emerald Laija, Emily Royal, Jonathan Tso, USEPA
- Emerging Wastes: Jessica Young, USEPA
- Restoring Tribal Lands: How the Story of the Land and The Journey of the Community Can Shape Tribal Brownfields Projects: Jennifer Clancey, KSU, Damon Dunbar, Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes, Loren Waters, Cherokee Nation and Kiowa Tribe, and Dr. Laurel Smith, University of Oklahoma
- DOI Restoration Planning, Implementing, and Monitoring: Becky MacEwen, DOI
- Engage with EPA on Shaping the National Plastics Strategy and Implementing the National Recycling Strategy: Mya Sjogren, Valerie Vines, and Kim Cochran, USEPA
- Advancing Revitalization in Indian Country: Oral Saulters and Eric Sheets, KSU, Page Hingst, Santee Sioux Tribe
- PFAS on Tribal Lands: Part 1: Kaylene Ritter, Abt Associates, Lakesha Hawkins, Choctaw Nation, Zach Welcker, Kalispel Tribe of Indians, Page Hingst, Santee Sioux Nation
- Tribes and Pesticides - an Open Discussion with the TPPC: Mark Daniels, ITEP and Theidore Puetz, Ak-Chin Indian Community
- EPA's Roles and Process for Monitoring and Directing Responses to Hazardous Wastes on Tribal Lands: Nick Nichols, and Joyel Dhieux, USEPA
- PFAS on Tribal Lands: Part 2: Heather Forth, Abt Associates, Troy Techlin, Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan, Daniel Kusnierz, Penobscot Indian Nation, Page Hingst, Santee Sioux Nation
- Environmental Compliance Facility Review Program: Ron Workman, Choctaw Nation
- EPA’s Disaster Debris Recovery Tool - Resources for Tribal Emergency Managers: Lucy Stanfield, EPA and Monte Fronk, Mille Lacs Band
Live/Webinar Based Sessions
- EPA's Office of Underground Storage Tanks (OUST) Year in Review and Looking Ahead: Mark Barolo and Tony Raia, EPA
- PFAS Workgroup Q&A Session: PFAS Workgroup Members
- EE/EN Governance and Tribal Capacity Building Roundtable / Q&A: April Hathcoat, Cherokee Nation, Kari Hedin, Fond du Lac Reservation, Frank Harjo, Muscogee Nation, Lydia Scheer, ITEP, and Jessica Snyder, USEPA
- UST Emerging Issues: Jeff Dzierzanowski, Source NA, Brad Hoffman, Tankology, and Will Anderson, USEPA
- Indigenous Communities Engaging in Local Science and Environmental Policy: Kendra Zamzow, Chickaloon Native Village, Katie Kamelamela, Native Hawaiian, Margarita Mora, Nia Tero
- Mitigation Tribal Liaison: Nick Bruscato, FEMA
- Coordination on EPA's Pilot to Improve Compliance at Underground Storage Tanks in Indian Country: Jonathan Binder and Carol Holmes, EPA
- Assessing Contaminant-Related Health Risks for Tribal Communities: Michelle Krasnec, Molly McLaughlin, and Kaylene Ritter, Abt Associates and Raymond Martinez, Timothy Martinez, and Michael Chacon, Pueblo de San Ildefonso
- Tribal Data Management Support and Assistance: Lydia Scheer, ITEP
Live/Webinar Based Sessions
- UST Industry Challenges to Regulatory Compliance: Chuck Tillman, Choctaw Nation, Jeff Dzierzanowski, Source NA, Ben Thomas, UST Training
- Tribal Citizen Science: Eight Case Studies to Highlight how Tribal Citizen Science can be Implemented and Supported within Tribal Environmental Agencies: Kari Hedin, Fond du Lac Band and Demi Gary, EPA
- EPA OEM Tribal Activities Update and Listening Session: Nick Nichols, EPA
- Compliance Strategies: Mike Arce, Oneida Nation, Page Hingst, Santee Sioux Nation, Mark Junker, Sac & Fox Nation of Missouri in Kansas and Nebraska, and Tracy Horst, Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma
- Genetic Diversity Mapping for Restoration of Atlantic Salmon to Tribal Waters: Michael Stover, Jack Paar, and Cassandra Schwartz, EPA, Chief Clarissa Sabattis, Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians, Sharri Venno and Sam St. John, Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians, Aruna Jayawardane, Maliseet Nations Conservation Council, Kaleb Zelman, Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada, Scott Pavey, Ecological Genomics, University of New Brunswick Saint John, Erik Pilgrim, EPA ORD
- Integrating HAZMAT Information for Tribal Jurisdiction: Tom Bergman, OK DEQ
- An Introduction to San Xavier Cooperative Farm: Duran Andrews and Alfonso Chavez, Tohono O'odham Nation
- Cutting-edge On-line Databases, Tools and Forums for Tribal Environmental Professionals: Frank Harjo, Muscogee Nation, Blasé Leven, KSU, Joy Britt, ANTHC
- 2021 TLEF:VG Closing Plenary featuring Tiana Williams-Claussen, Yurok Tribe
Live/Webinar Based Sessions
- Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures (SPCC) Training for Tribes: Mark Howard, USEPA
- Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) Data and Other EPA Information to Support Tribes: Christina Guthrie, Sarah Swenson, Mitchell Sumner, Charlotte Snyder, and Steve Witkin, USEPA
- Indigenous Narratives of Place: Geographic Strategies for Revisioning Traumatized Land: Jennifer Clancey, KSU Tribal TAB, Dr. Theodore Jojola, PhD, Isleta Pueblo/UNM Indigenous Design & Planning Institute, Dr. Cynthia Annett, KSU Tribal TAB, Michaela Paulette Shirley, Diné/ UNM Indigenous Design & Planning Institute, and Joseph Erb, Cherokee Nation/University of Missouri
Live/Webinar Based Sessions
- Developing a Policy for Tribal Approval of Cleanup Plans and Verification of Clean-up on Brownfields/Contaminated Sites: Mickey Hartnett, KSU, Helen Dangel, Sitka Tribe of Alaska
- Brownfields Primer for Non-Brownfields Staff: Mickey Hartnett, KSU, Ray Reed, Turtle Mountain, Wilfred Lambert, Fort Peck Tribes, Mark Junker, Sac and Fox Nation of Missouri in Kansas and Nebraska
- Tribal Lands and Environment Healing with Brownfields Resources: Ryan Webb, The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, Julia Jacobs, Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe, Lily Bermejo, Salt River Pima Maricopa Indian Community, and Ignacio Dayrit, Center for Creative Land Recycling
- Brownfields & Housing: Issues & Opportunities Or How TRP’s (Tribal Response Programs) & TDHE’s (Tribally Designated Housing Entities) Can Work Together: Misha Mazurkewycz, Alex Villalpando, and Nicole Beauvais, Ponca Tribe and Eugene Goldfarb and Scott Nightingale, Tribal TAB
- Writing an Effective Brownfields RFP: Scott Nightingale, KSU, Margaret Chavez, Eight Northern Indian Pueblos Council, Inc., Jason Helgeson, Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe, Rich Campbell, Campbell Environmental Group, and Melisa Devincenzi, U.S. EPA Region 8 Brownfields Project Manager
- Coeur d'Alene Basin Natural Resource Restoration from a Tribal Perspective: Rebecca Stevens, Coeur d'Alene Tribe
- Intro to Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration- NRDAR 101: Becky MacEwen and Emily Joseph, DOI
- Where the Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) Are: An Introduction to EPA’s UST Finder Mapping Application of UST Facilities and LUST Sites: Fran Kremer and Alex Hall, EPA
- EPA's Pollution Prevention Grant Programs: Michele Amhaz, EPA
- Restoring Safe Drinking Water Access for Dine' and Hopi Peoples: Mark Sorensen, Painted Desert Demonstration Projects/The STAR School
- Restoring Hope and Health on the San Carlos Apache Reservation Through Creativity and Collaboration: Eric Shin, Nalwoodi Denzhone Community and Carrie Curley, San Carlos Apache Tribe/Nalwoodi Denzhone Community
- Solar Technology for Farming and Ranching in the Arizona Desert: Stacey Jensen, Navajo Nation
- E-Enterprise 101: Jessica Snyder, EPA
- Blue Lake Rancheria's Compost Operations Past and Present: Daniel Holsapple and Jacob Pounds, Blue Lake Rancheria
- Update on Coordinated Environmental Reviews for Tribal Housing and Related Infrastructure: Danielle Schopp, HUD and Kristin Bastis, USDA
- Mapping & Using Traditional Ecological Knowledge: Cynthia Annett, KSU, Mark Junker, Sac and Fox Nation of Missouri in Kansas and Nebraska, Eugene Goldfarb, TAB, Lance Foster, Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska, James Rattling Leaf Sr., Rosebud Sioux
- Energizer Buddies: Earth Wind & Fire: Ignacio Dayrit, Center for Creative Land Recycling, Lisa Catilone, GRID Alternatives, Alfredo Martinez-Morales, SC-RISE and CE-CERT, Gail Mosey, NREL
- A Critical Review of FY18/19 SPCC Inspection Data - Common Violations and Facility Innovations: Mark Howard, EPA
- One Health Assessment of Mercury, Persistent Organic Compounds and PFAS for Consumption of Restored Anadromous Fish in the Penobscot River: Daniel Kusnierz, Penobscot Indian Nation and Lisa Melnyk, Michael Stover, and James Lazorchak, EPA
- Protecting Tribal Environmental Health: Challenges and Opportunities for Risk Assessments: Dianne Barton and Susan Hanson, NTTC, Laurie Suter, Tohono O'odham Nation, and Lynn Zender, Zender Environmental Health and Research Group
- PPE for Tribal Environmental Professionals - Overview and Things to Consider: Les Benedict and Craig Arquette, Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe 1
- PPE for Tribal Environmental Professionals - Overview and Things to Consider: Les Benedict and Craig Arquette, Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe 2
- Class A and Class B Underground Storage Tank Operator Training: Jeremy Noah, Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma
- Underground Storage Tank (UST) Class C Operator Training: Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma Choctaw Nation SPCC Training 1
- Underground Storage Tank (UST) Class C Operator Training: Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma Choctaw Nation SPCC Training 2
- Oneida Nation UST Training: Mike Arce and Victoria Flowers, Oneida Nation