ITEP Training:

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ITEP Training:
Self-Paced Tutorials: GIS for Air Quality Applications
Course Description:
This self-paced tutorial demonstrates how to map air quality data using ArcView GIS software (available free to tribes via the Bureau of Indian Affairs). The tutorial takes a
"by doing" approach. Step-by-step exercises are provided in which participants are guided through the skills needed. Participants are directed to different sources
of available data for interpretation purposes. There are several PowerPoint presentations that introduce concepts used in the exercises. After completing the tutorial,
participants will be able to integrate a variety of datasets into a GIS project and construct a data map using GIS software.
Topics include:
- Introduction to GIS
- Integrating basic air dispersion and trajectory modeling data into GIS
- Analyzing and manipulating data using GIS
- Adjusting data imagery for better visualization
- Exporting maps for use in other applications
This tutorial is open to anyone interested in learning GIS air-data mapping; no prior GIS experience is necessary, however, participants will benefit from having completed introductory ITEP air courses. There is no certificate of completion for this tutorial.
Recommended Courses:
- Introduction to Tribal Air Quality
- Air Quality Computations
Downloads (also available on CD):
PowerPoint Presentations [.zip file – 14.5 MB]
GIS Exercises [.zip file – 54 MB]
Exercise Data Files [.zip file – 403 MB]
Supplementary Resources [.zip file – 61 MB]
For more information please contact:
Lydia Scheer
Project Director