Saturday Academy
Project Goals:
The Saturday Academy program provides students from the Navajo
Nation an on-campus pre-college experience with emphasis in mathematics,
science and technology. The program goals include exposing students to a
college experience, learning how to apply mathematics, science, and technology
to local environmental issues, and learning about college preparation and
admissions. Students are encouraged to consider college option following
completion of high school. Students also build mentoring relationships with
the college students who act as assistant instructors during the various activities
The Institute for Environmental Professionals (ITEP)
through the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the American
Indian Air Quality Training Program (AIAQTP) provides funding for
the EEOP program coordinator salary and the EEOP staff salary (administrative
assistant, graduate assistant, and student workers), as well as
supplies and any guest speakers, depending on the themes selected.
Content for the program is taken from various curriculum
projects supported by EEOP such as Project AIRE, GLOBE,
Project WET,
FOSS, and
Family Math. A variety of local environmental issues are considered
for the focus of the program.
Further information concerning the curriculum can be obtained from
Participating Schools: