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ITEP Training:

IAQTC: Asthma Education
Sensible Steps for Healthier Alaska Schools Webinar - Taking Registrations NOW

Date: May 16, 2013, Thursday
Time: 9:00 am AlaskaTime (9:00 am AKDT, 10:00 PDT)

After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar.

This webinars introduces the EPA Sensible Steps to Healthier Schools Environments Series. The EPA webinars provides helpful information to promote and support healthy school environments. The EPA webinars feature experts from the EPA, other federal, and non-federal programs. This webinar will explain how participation in the EPA Sensible Steps webinar will benefit schools in Alaska. We will also be offering an Alaska Schools Q&A after each EPA Sensible Steps webinar.

Agenda: Mansel Nelson, Program Coordinator, Indoor Air Quality in Tribal Communities (IAQTC)

MaryAnn Porter, EPA Tribal Liason

Cristina Gonzalez-Maddux, Research Specialist, IAQTC

For more information please contact:
Mansel Nelson
