ITEP Conferences:

2013 National Tribal Forum presentations
Tuesday, April 30 - Day One
9:30am - 10:45am: National Regional Tribal Priorities
- NationalRegionalTribalPriorities [pptx]
- NTAA_R2Priorities [docx]
2:00pm - 3:30pm: Breakout Sessions
Ambient Air: Policy and Regulation
- Development of the Gila River Indian Community’s Air Quality Management Plan [pptx]
- EPA's Ozone Advance/PM Advance Programs [pptx]
- Future Directions in Addressing Interstate Transport [pptx]
Ambient Air: Technical Outreach
- Establishing a PM2.5 Monitoring Network on the Colville Reservation [pptx]
- Alaska Tribal Air Quality Projects [pdf]
- TAMS Center's Technical Services Needs Assessment [pptx]
Indoor Air Quality
- American Lung Association’s Open Airways Program [ppt]
- School Indoor Air Quality Assessments by Tribal Staff [pptx]
- Talking to School Administrators on Indoor Air - presentation N/A
- Indoor Environmental Quality in Classrooms & Impact on Student Achievement & Health [pdf]
- Climate Change and Renewable Energy
Wednesday, May 1 - Day Two
9:00am - 10:30am: Plenary Session: Panel Discussion: Funding Opportunities and Success Stories
1:30pm - 3:00pm Breakout Sessions
Ambient Air: Policy and Regulation
- Update on New and Upcoming Rules - presentation N/A
- Writing Effective Comment Letters [ppt]
- Gila River Indian Community's Tribal Implementation Plan (TIP) [ppt]
Ambient Air: Technical Outreach
- Impact of Large Sources of NOx in the Columbia River Gorge [pptx]
- Mercury Wet Deposition Monitoring in Indian Country Panel Discussion [pptx]
- Mercury In The Environment [pptx]
Indoor Air Quality
- Basics of Indoor Air Quality - presentation N/A
- Indoor Air Quality and Healthy Homes-Projects in Alaska - presentation N/A
- Navajo "In-home Stove Coal Use Project" an Analysis of Alternative Heating within the Shiprock, Navajo, New Mexico, Community [pdf]
- Climate Change and Renewable Energy
3:30pm - 5:00pm: Plenary Session: Tribal Case Studies-Small Programs, Big Benefits
- White Mountain Apache Tribe's Air Quality Program (Delbert Altaha, White Mountain Apache Tribe) [pptx]
- Hopi Tribe's Ozone Assessment Project (Alfonso Mahkewa, Hopi Tribe) [pptx]
- Success through Outreach (Kellie Poolaw, Delaware Nation) [pptx]
Thursday, May 2 - Day Three
8:30am - 10:30am Plenary Sessions: Communicating on Climate Change Presentation and Panel Discussion
10:30am - 12:00pm Breakout Sessions
Ambient Air: Policy and Regulation
- Air Quality Permit Programs and Tribal NSR Registration Calculators - presentation N/A
- Gila River Indian Community’s Tribal Minor NSR Permitting Program [ppt]
- Navajo Nation Title V Operating Permit Program [pptx]
Ambient Air: Technical Outreach
- Tribal Environmental Exchange Network (TREX-Net) - presentation N/A
- AirNow-Tech: Tools for Tribes [ppt]
- Overview of SRPMIC's Air Quality Program [pptx]
Indoor Air Quality
- IAQ Solutions for New and Renovated Home Construction - presentation N/A
- EPA's Tribal IAQ and Radiation Strategy and Plan - presentation N/A
- Climate Change and Renewable Energy
1:30pm - 3:00pm Plenary Sessions: Air Quality and Health Impacts
- Healthy Homes—Indoor Air and Children’s Respiratory Health (AJ Salkoski, Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium) - presentation N/A
- Air Quality and Asthma (Dr. Camlesh Nirmul, Phoenix Indian Health Center) [ppt]
Andy Bessler, Project Director
National Tribal Air Association - NAU
National Tribal Air Association - NAU