ITEP Conferences:

2014 National Tribal Forum presentations
Monday, May 12, 2014: Pre-Conference Sessions
8:00am - 5:00am: Climate Change Adaptation Planning
1:00pm - 4:30pm: Treatment as a State (TAS) Symposium
1:00pm - 5:00pm: Tribal Mercury Symposium
1:00pm - 5:00pm: IAQ Technical Assistance Session (No presentations)
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
10:15am - 11:30am: National Regional Tribal Priorities
2:00pm - 3:30pm: Breakout Sessions
Air Quality Policy
- Tribal Air Authority (TAR) and Treatment as a State (TAS) – David LaRoche, Retired US EPA
- Overview of Oklahoma Ruling – Laura McKelvey, US EPA OAQPS
- Wind River Reservation – Jason Walker, Northwestern Band of the Shoshone Nation
Climate Change
- National Tribal Climate Change Initiatives (Garrit Voggesser, National Wildlife Federation; Kathy Lynn, University of Oregon)
- New EPA Rules Regulating Carbon Emissions: An Opportunity for Tribes to Influence Federal Policy to Confront Climate Change (Felice Stadler & Garrit Voggesser, National Wildlife Federation)
Air Quality Technical & Outreach
- Examples of Emission Inventory Data Uses on the Colville Reservation (Kris Ray, Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation)0
- New Air Monitoring Technologies (Kristen Benedict, US EPA OAQPS)
- Ozone Data Corrections (Mangas Slinkey, Salt River Pima - Maricopa Indian Community)
Indoor Air Quality
- Tackling the Tribal Asthma Epidemic: Leveraging Your Air Quality Programs to Improve Health Outcomes
5:30pam - 8:00pm: Virgil Masayesva Award Ceremony & Buffet Dinner
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
8:00am - 8:30am: Plenary Session – Planning and Preparing for Climate Change
- Durglo_CSKT_CCStrategicPlan_LongVersion.pptx
- Durglo_CSKT_CCStrategicPlan_ShortVersion.pptx
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- Benedict_SRMT-CChg.pptx
1:30pm - 3:00pm Breakout Sessions
Air Quality Policy
- Overview of Tribal New Source Review (NSR) – Greg Green, US EPA OAQPS
- Overview of Refineries Rule and Other Upcoming Rules – Laura McKelvey, US EPA OAQPS
- Oil and Gas Emissions - Tom Moore, Western Regional Air Partnership
- Overview of Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) – Rosalva Tapia, US EPA OTAQ
Climate Change
- Climate Change Town Hall Meeting (Chischilly)
- Climate Change Town Hall Meeting (Jantarasami)
- Climate Change Town Hall Meeting (Mahaffy)
- Climate Change Town Hall Meeting (Mote)
Air Quality Technical & Outreach
- EPA's Tribal Greenhouse Gas Inventory Tool (Erica Bollerud, US EPA OAP)
- Overview of Two Recent Interagency Air Quality Initiatives in the Pacific Northwest (Tonnie Cummings, National Park Service)
- Quality Improvement Session for Tribal Air Programs: A Region 8 Perspective (Tom Brooks, US EPA Region 8)
Indoor Air Quality
- Building Capacity to Identify and Remediate Indoor Air Hazards (Jill Heins Nesvold, American Lung Association and Kendra Lone Elk, Oglala Sioux Tribe Health Administration)
3:30pm - 5:00pm: Breakout Sessions
Air Quality Policy
- Overview of Rules – Laura McKelvey, US EPA OAQPS
- Carbon Rules (111(b) and 111(d))
- Methane Strategy (Oil and Gas)
- Breakout in Subgroups to Brainstorm (Comments and Input)
Climate Change
- Climate Change in Southeast Alaska (Linda Kruger, USFS)
- Climate Change Health As sessments for Three Coastal, Riverine, and Lake System Communities in Southwest Alaska (Susan Flensburg, Bristol Bay Native Association)
- Traditional Knowledge and Climate Change Protocols: Safeguards and Some Things to Consider when Using Traditional Knowledge (Joe Hostler, Yurok Tribe)
Air Quality Technical & Outreach
- Community Outreach on Indian Reservations (Kathy Moses, Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation)
- Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma Air Quality Program (Craig Kreman, Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma)
- Overview of the SRPMIC Air Quality Program (Corwin Smith, Salt River Pima - Maricopa Indian Community)
Indoor Air Quality
- Healthy Casinos: A Case Study (Jeff Mears, Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin)
- Healthy Casinos: Conducting a Building Assessment (Tony Bassabe, Ph.D., Swinomish Indian Community and Rich Prill, Washington State University)
Thursday, May 15, 2014
8:30am - 10:00am: Plenary Session – Hot Topics in Air Quality, Indoor Air & Climate Change

Image: Anne Jess (The Doodle Biz) graphic recording of Hot Topics discussion
10:30am - 12:00pm: Breakout Sessions
Air Quality Policy
- Air Quality Program Education and Outreach (Ralph "Manny" Gomez, Ak-Chin Indian Community)
- The Undertaker is Calling...a Surprising Potential Minor Source Story (Brandy Toft, Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe)
- Video - Moapa Band of Paiutes, Fight Coal Fired Power Plant While Leading the Way in Clean Energy (Vickie Simmons, Moapa Band of Southern Paiutes)
- Article - Moapa Band of Paiutes, Fight Coal Fired Power Plant While Leading the Way in Clean Energy (Vickie Simmons, Moapa Band of Southern Paiutes)
- Marine DERA at Swinomish (Tony Basabe, Ph.D, Swinomish Indian Tribal Community)
Climate Change
- Migration 2013: We are Still Moving About (Neil Patterson, Jr., Tuscarora Nation)
- ITEP's Climate Change Program: Past, Present and Future (Sue Wotkyns and Cristina Gonzalez-Maddux, ITEP)
- Developing Indigenous Community Health Indicators for Climate Change Assessment & Adaptation Planning (Jamie Donatuto and Larry Campbell, Swinomish Indian Tribal Community)
Air Quality Technical & Outreach
- ANTHC Air Quality Program, Alaska's Air – Inside and Out (Josh Liles, ANTHC)
- Calibrating Concerns about PAHs in Urban Air Using Monitoring and Modeling: A Project Plan Summary (Charles J. Lippert, Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe)
Indoor Air Quality
- Radon Testing and Mitigation – Radon Resistant Construction (Twa-le Abrahamson, Air Quality Coordinator)
- Radon at Bad River (Daniel Wiggins, Bad River Band of Lake Superior Chippewa)
1:30pm - 3:00pm: Plenary Session: Air Quality & Health Impacts

Image: Anne Jess (The Doodle Biz) graphic recording of Air Quality & Health Impacts presentations
- Particulate Air Pollution and Human Health (Dr. C. Arden Pope III, Mary Lou Fulton Professor of Economics, Brigham Young University)
- Fine Particle Air Pollution and the Health of Your Community: Who is at Risk, the Biological Mechanisms of Exposure, and What You Can Do to Minimize Harm (Gillian Mittelstaedt, Tribal Healthy Homes Network)
Andy Bessler, Project Director
National Tribal Air Association - NAU
National Tribal Air Association - NAU