NEIEN: National Environmental Information Exchange Network
Tribal Support for the Exchange Network
ITEP works with the Tribal Exchange Network Group (TXG) and EPA’s Office of Mission Support - Environmental Information (OMS-EI) to support tribal involvement in the National Environmental Information Exchange Network (NEIEN, or EN ).
The EN is a collaborative endeavor that strives to support better environmental decisions through improved exchange of, and access to, environmental data and information.
This effort focuses on expanding tribal participation in the EN, which is guided by representatives from Tribes, States, Territories, and EPA. ITEP works with tribes to facilitate a unified tribal voice amongst the EN partners and
identify ways to help foster projects and initiatives that are both relevant and sustainable for tribes.
ITEP and the TXG are interested in hearing from tribes regarding current needs, priorities, and challenges with respect to Exchange Network activities. If you have insight or feedback or would like to learn more about how the Exchange
Network can work for tribes, please contact the ITEP project staff listed below. Want to keep up-to-date on Exchange Network news and events for tribes? Sign up for the TribalEN email listserv.
Want to keep up-to-date on Exchange Network news and events for tribes? Sign up for the TribalEN email listserv.
For more information please contact: