About Us:

Elaine Wilson
Elaine Wilson, CPM*
Elaine is the Manager for the National Tribal Water Council (NTWC/Council), which is administered by ITEP through a cooperative agreement with the US EPA Office of Water. The NTWC is a technical and scientific body established to
advocate for the best interests of federally-recognized Indian Tribes and Alaska Native Villages in matters pertaining to water. Elaine coordinates and manages the activities of the Council under the direction of the NTWC Chairman.
Elaine currently serves on the Arizona State University (ASU) Environmental Engineering Program External Advisory Board, and a non-profit educational organization Indigenous Vision’s Board of Directors.
Prior to ITEP, Elaine worked for the Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc. (ITCA) for 25 years and was the Environmental Quality Programs Director for 11 years. She managed and directed programs, provided oversight of training activities,
technical assistance, program development and implementation. In 2015, Elaine was recognized for the work she accomplished by being nominated and selected for the Connor Byestewa, Jr. Award, which is awarded in Mr. Byestewa’s honor to
recognize the efforts of individuals that have made and strengthen tribal self-government and improved human health and environmental conditions within Indian country in EPA Region 9.
Elaine is an enrolled member of the Navajo Nation/Diné. She received her Bachelor of Science degree and her Certified Public Manager (CPM) certification from ASU. She enjoys spending time with her family and friends, learning, cooking,
camping, fishing and enjoying the great outdoors.
Elaine can be reached by e-mail at Elaine.Wilson@nau.edu.
About Us > Team Members > Elaine Wilson