About Us:
Melinda Ronca-Battista
Research Associate
Melinda Ronca-Battista
Melinda has worked for the Tribal Air Monitoring Support Center, which is a collaboration between Northern Arizona University and the US EPA, for 20 years. Before working
at the TAMS Center, she spent 7 years as a contractor conducting radiation safety audits of military bases, nuclear power plants, laboratories, and private facilities
handling radioactive materials. In her first life, she spent 6 years at the EPA Office of Radiation and Indoor Air in Washington DC, where her work developing the original
radon measurement protocols and radon measurement proficiency program led to the Administrator’s gold medal for exceptional service to the EPA mission.
Melinda is responsible for assisting all federally-recognized tribes with data management, analysis, and reporting, as well as quality assurance issues such as preparation
of QAPPs. Melinda develops software, educational videos, conducts online and classroom courses, travels to tribal agency environmental offices and works extensively with tribes via email.
Melinda can be reached by e-mail at Melinda.Ronca-Battista@nau.edu.
About Us > Team Members > Melinda Ronca-Battista